APPLY ONLINE Diploma Engineer / Sub Accountant / Accounts (Trainee ) Jobs in HECL 2012 | Apply Online | Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd.
3 Simple steps to Apply Online
3 Simple steps to Apply Online
- Make payment of Fee through Payment Bank Challans available in the website.
- Fill the Online Application Form.
- Take a printout of Application Form and send to HEC along with essential documents. Keep a copy of the application form with you for future reference.
Application Procedure:
Eligible candidates should apply Online only.
(a) Apply with your valid E-mail ID (which should remain active for at least 1 year). General and OBC category candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 300/- only. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PH Category and those presently working with HEC Ltd are exempted from payment of application fees.
Please keep all the information ready before you start filling the application. Please make sure that you
fulfill all the required eligibility, otherwise your application will not be accepted by the system.
Steps to be followed for Online Application:-
- Take a printout of the Payment Bank Challan.
- Fill the details of Payment Bank Challan.
- Visit the nearest SBI branch and deposit the fee using the Payment Bank Challan.
- Collect two portions of challan duly filled in and signed by the bank (HEC’s copy & Applicant’s copy).
- Thereafter the candidate can apply Online and the bank challan details including Journal No., Branch Code etc should be furnished therein.
- After successfully filling the application, system will generate an Acknowledgment Number.
- You are advised to take a note and print the Acknowledgment Number which will be used in all your future correspondence.
- You should take a printout of the filled in application.
form, sign in the specified box and send the Application along with HEC’s copy of the Challan (incase the application fee is paid) and other supporting details like photocopies of all testimonials, mark-sheets from matriculation onwards, proof of age (as in Matriculation or equivalent certificate), No Objection Certificate if employed in Govt./Semi Govt/PSU , caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy Layer only) and certificate for Persons with Disabilities on Govt. approved format ,etc. This is required to allow them relaxation/reservation.
(b) All correspondence with candidates shall be done thorough E-Mail only. All information regarding
interview call letters etc. shall be provided through E-Mail and/or publication in Corporation’s Website.
Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of admits card/call letter shall be that of the
candidate. HEC will not be responsible for any loss of E-Mail sent, due to invalid/wrong E-Mail ID provided
by the candidate or delivery of E-Mails to spam/bulk mail folder etc.
ii) The envelope should be super-scribed with the posts one applies for and the same should be sent by
ordinary post (since post box does not accept mail through registered post)
Post BoxNo.57,
so as to reach on or before 25.02.2012. Application received after the last date will not be accepted.
Interview Call letters will not be sent by POST.
Commencement Date of Recruitment : 28-01-2012 10.00 AM | |
Starting Date of Payment through Challan Form : 28-01-2012 10.00AM | |
Activation Date of Online Application : 28-01-2012 12.00 PM | |
Last Date for Fee Payment : 17-02-2012 2.00 PM | |
Last Date of Applying Online : 17-02-2012 5.00 PM |
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