Monday, 13 February 2012

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Staff Scientists/Jr. Engineers/Technician Jobs in NIPGR Feb 2012 - - Last Date 9 March 2012, NIPGR SCIENTISTS JUNIOR ENGINEERS TECHNICAL JOB VACANCIES 9 MARCH 2012, WWW.NIPGR.RES.IN National Institute of Plant Genome Research Application Form Download
Organisation Name :
National Institute of Plant Genome Research (NIPGR)

Organisation Description :

The National Institute of Plant Genome Research (formerly known as National Centre for Plant Genome Research) is an autonomous institution of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The Institute has been established to coincide with the 50th anniversary of India's independence as well as birth anniversary of Prof. (Dr.) J. C. Bose. The formal announcement was made on November 30th 1997. This Institute has already placed India among the major contributors to plant genomics. It is hoped that in coming years, the ongoing efforts of NIPGR will allow India to emerge as one of the most important national and international resource institutes for material, knowledge and technologies in the areas of functional, structural, evolutionary and applied genomics of plants, including crop plants.

Genomics research is providing bridges between different branches of natural sciences and as a result it has seen logarithmic growth over last two decades. All biology research has been permeated by genomics and as a result new ways of tailoring crops for the economic production to grains, vegetables, fruits, fibers, beverages, herbal medicines, pharmaceuticals and industrial molecular are emerging. The world is on the eve of bountiful harvests for mitigation of hunger and malnutrition and heralding of healthy living. NIPGR aims to contribute in the achievement of such hopes arising out of current pace of genomics research.

Job Role :

1. Staff Scientists

Specialization: Applicant should have a Ph.D. with excellent academic credentials along with the track record of scientific productivity evidenced by publications in the frontier areas of Plant Biology such as, Computational  Biology,  Genome  Analysis  and  Molecular  Mapping,  Molecular  Mechanism  of  Abiotic Stress  Responses,  Nutritional  Genomics,  Plant  Development  and  Architecture,  Plant  Immunity, Molecular  Breeding,  Transgenics  for  crop  improvement  and  other  emerging  areas  based  on  plant

Remuneration: The length of experience and scientific accomplishments/quality of scientific productivity record will be major factors in deciding the level of appointment as Staff Scientist as well as starting salary in the pay bands of ` 15,600-39,100 (with grade pay of ` 5400, 6600 and 7600), and ` 37,400-67,000 (with grade pay of ` 8700) plus usual allowances admissible to the Central Government employees. Reservation of posts shall be as per Govt. of India norms.

2. Administrative / Technical
i. Management Assistant
ii. Junior Engineer (Electrical)
iii. Technician - II
iv. Consultant Engineer

Job Description :

National Institute of Plant Genome Research, New Delhi is an Autonomous Research Institution funded by Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, to pursue research on various aspects of plant genomics. NIPGR invites applications from Indian Citizens for filling up the vacant  posts  on  Direct  Recruitment  basis,  as  detailed  below.  The  posts  are  temporary  but  likely  to continue. The position of Consultant Engineer is on contract basis.

Educational Qualification : Check Details

Job Location : Delhi

Last Date : 9 March 2012

How  to  apply:  Complete  bio-data  in  the  enclosed  performa  including  educational  qualifications  from Higher  Secondary  School  Certificate  Examination  (10th)  onwards,  documents  in  support  of  age, educational  qualifications,  whether  belongs  to  SC/ST/OBC/PH,  etc.,  copies  of  the  notable papers/publications, tentative research plans and names and addresses, E-mail, fax/telephone numbers of at least three references and experience etc., together with two recent passport size photographs be sent

The Director,
National Institute of Plant Genome Research,
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, P. B. No. 10531,
New Delhi – 110067, India 

before  March 9, 2012. Incomplete applications or applications not in the prescribed performa will not be entertained.

Note: The Institute reserves the right to consider the names of suitable candidates for the posts of staff scientists who may not have applied

Click Here for more Details & Apply now

Please feel free to post your queries and get answer 

Staff Scientists/Jr. Engineers/Technician Jobs in NIPGR Feb 2012 - - Last Date 9 March 2012, NIPGR SCIENTISTS JUNIOR ENGINEERS TECHNICAL JOB VACANCIES 9 MARCH 2012, WWW.NIPGR.RES.IN National Institute of Plant Genome Research Application Form Download



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