Tuesday, 13 March 2012

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www.secl.gov.in mining sirdar secl job vacancies recruitment march 2012 total job vacancies 240 apply online, www.secl.gov.in SECL Mining Sirdar Recruitment March 2012 Total Jobs 240, www.secl.gov.in mining sirdar secl job vacancies recruitment march 2012 total job vacancies 240 apply online, www.secl.gov.in SECL Mining Sirdar Recruitment March 2012 Total Jobs 240

 Organization Name : South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL)

Organization Description : South Eastern Coalfields Limited is the largest coal producing company in the country. It is one of the eight subsidiaries of Coal India Limited (A Govt. of India Undertaking) under the Ministry of Coal . The company was adjudged the best PSU in the country for 97-98 and was awarded Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial National Award for pollution control and energy conservation in the year 2003, Excellence award in 2004 ,2006 and 2008,National safety award from Hon'ble President of India in 2004,2005 and 2006. SECL has been awarded " Mini Ratna" Status by Govt of India in 2007 . 

In year 2010-11,total  coal  production  by SECL was 112.71 million tonnes from open cast and underground mines which is highest among all subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd and among all coal producing companies in India.In the year 2010-11 out of total coal production of 431.32 million tonnes produced by Coal India Ltd.,   total  coal  production  by SECL was 112.71 million tonnes . SECL has been making profits since its inception.

Job Role : Mining Sirdar (Technical & Supervisor Grade - 'C').

Educational Qualification :  Check Details.

Age - Minimum Age 18 Year And Maximum Age 30 Years as on 1 Jan 2012
Pay scale : Rs.10127.70.
Last Date : 31 March 2012.

www.secl.gov.in is the official website for South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL).

Please feel free to post your queries and get answer

www.secl.gov.in mining sirdar secl job vacancies recruitment march 2012 total job vacancies 240 apply online, www.secl.gov.in SECL Mining Sirdar Recruitment March 2012 Total Jobs 240, www.secl.gov.in mining sirdar secl job vacancies recruitment march 2012 total job vacancies 240 apply online, www.secl.gov.in SECL Mining Sirdar Recruitment March 2012 Total Jobs 240


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