Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AICIL)
Job Role : Administrative Officer (Scale I) in specialized discipline of Agriculture, Information Technology, Marketing, Finance, Legal, Human Resource, Statistics, Actuary, Insurance & Risk Management & Generalist.
Start Date to Apply Online : 30th April 2012.
Last Date to Apply Online : 23rd May 2012.
Date of Written Test : 24th June 2012.
Applications are invited from Indian Citizens for the post of Administrative Officer
(Scale I) in specialized discipline of Agriculture, Information Technology, Marketing, Finance, Legal, Human Resource, Statistics, Actuary, Insurance & Risk Management & Generalist.
(Scale I) in specialized discipline of Agriculture, Information Technology, Marketing, Finance, Legal, Human Resource, Statistics, Actuary, Insurance & Risk Management & Generalist.
Application Fee : Amount of fees including service charges to Axis Bank for SC/ST is Rs.100/-, For all other Categories (Gen/OBC/Ex-servicemen, etc.) is Rs.400/-. No Fee for Persons with Disability.
Selection Procedure : Selection will be through written examination (WE) and interview.
(i) Written Examination: GROUP A to GROUP J : Objective type tests consists of :
i) Reasoning
ii) English Language
iii) Numerical Ability
iv) General awareness test for the posts under Group-J
Professional knowledge test – for the posts under Group A to I (instead of General awareness test).
ii) Roll No. of the candidates successful in ‘WE’ will be available on the Company’s website and a brief notice thereof will be published in leading newspapers.
iii) Only such number of candidates will be called for interview that stand sufficiently high in merit.
iv) Final selection will be on the basis of candidate’s performance in the written examination and interview taken together in order of merit.
How to Apply :
1) Candidates are required to apply Online through a link provided below. Click on the link will open up the appropriate Online Application Format. This link would be available on website of the Company during 30.04.2012 to 23.05.2012 only.
2) Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment. The Company shall be sending intimation at appropriate time about download of call letters for written test, interview etc. through the registered email ID and SMSes.
3) Take a print of the entire Recruitment Notification, including the “FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN” The link to the Fees Payment Challan would be activated during 30.04.2012 to 23.05.2012 only.
2) Candidates are required to have a valid personal email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment. The Company shall be sending intimation at appropriate time about download of call letters for written test, interview etc. through the registered email ID and SMSes.
3) Take a print of the entire Recruitment Notification, including the “FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN” The link to the Fees Payment Challan would be activated during 30.04.2012 to 23.05.2012 only.
4) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply on line much before the closing date and not to wait till last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/inability/failure to log on to the company’s website on account of heavy load on internet/website jam.
5) The Company does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit the application within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the Company.
5) The Company does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit the application within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of the Company.
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