Tuesday, 3 April 2012

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Job Role : Junior Assistant (MT Driver)
Last Date to Apply : 16th April 2012.

Job Description : Applications  are invited for the post of Junior Assi stant (MT Driver) at Delhi and various  airports of Northern Region in the  pay scale of Rs 12500-28 500 plus allowances.Total number of posts likely to be filled is 29*(Twenty Nine)  and the reservations are UR-22, SC-1,OBC-06.

1.  Management will have the discretion for rejecting any application without assigning any
reason for fixing higher standards for callin g candidates for written/tr ade test & interview and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.

2.  Application giving full pa rticulars as per format along  with 3 recent passport size 
photographs out of which one pasted on the top right hand corner  of the application and duly
attested by the Gazetted Officer and two in a small cover attach ed with the application should reach to the  Office of General Manager (HR), Airports Authority of India, Regional
Headquarters, Northern Region, Operational Offices,  Gurgaon Road, New Delhi – 110037 on or before16th April 2012 along with the Dema nd Draft drawn on any Nationalised Bank for Rs 100/- (Rupees On e hundred only) (non-refundable) in favour of Airports Authority of India (except SC/ST candidates as per Govt. policy). Airports Authority of India will not be responsible for any postal delay.

3.  Incomplete application, those not conf irming to the job sp ecifications/application formatnot completed, recei ved later than the specified date and without attested copies of the testimonials/certificates, proof of age, qualifi cation, category, valid experience etc will be
rejected summarily and no reques t in this regard w ill be entertained in  any case.  Mere
fulfillment of requirement laid do wn in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for the
test and interview. 

4.  The management has the discretion not to fill any vacancy and the vacancy position shown above may also change depending upon the requirement.

5.  The certificate of SC/ST/OBC/Ex-Serviceman should be in the proper prescribed form and should have been  issued by the ap propriate authority.

6.  The experience certificate attached with application must  clearly indicate the nature of post, period, service, job performed, reason for leaving the job, full name/signature and designation of issuing authority and his address.

7.  The candidates already in employment of Central/State Govt. or Govt. undertaking/Autonomous bodies  should apply only through proper channel.  Their advance
copy will not be  entertained.

8.  Candidates selected are li kely to be posted  on round the clock duties wherever applicable and in any part of India.

9.  Any attempt to bring outside influence fo r consideration of th e candidature in any manner whatsoever will amount to disqualification and the candida ture of such candidates will be rejected.  The decision of the Selection Committee is fina l and binding on each candidate.

10. No separate communication  will be issued in this re gard except to the selected candidate.

11.  The candidates will have the option to us e Hindi or English in  answering the question papers.

12.  The candidates must be registered in local Employment Exchange.

13.  Candidates who have applied earlier  in the year 2007 need  not apply again.

14.  AAI has right to scrap the recruitm ent process without assigning any reason. 

Do you had any Queries in your mind about this Job then Drop your Query in our Comment Box below and get Answer


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