Thursday, 12 April 2012

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Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (DMRC)

Job Role : Assistant Manager (Civil).

The  Delhi  Metro  Rail  Corporation  (DMRC),  a  Joint  Venture  company  with  equity
participation from Govt.of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi has been
entrusted  with  the  responsibility  of  implementation  of  the  rail  based  Mass  Rapid  Transit System for Delhi.

       DMRC  intends  to  fill  up  the  following  vacancies  in  grade  Rs.20600-46500  (IDA)/-  on direct  recruitment basis from amongst those candidates who  have qualified in the written
examination  for  Indian  Engineering  Services    (I.E.S)  Examination  (Civil)  conducted  by
UPSC during the last three years  2009, 2010 & 2011 and have not been finally selected  or
those who have declined the offer of UPSC, after selection.

Selection Procedure : The  candidates  will  be  subjected  to  Interview  and  Group  Discussion.  The  names  of the  candidates  who  have  qualified  the  Interview  will  be  uploaded  in  our  website  on 04/05/12.  The  shortlisted  candidates  will  be  sent  for  medical  examination  in “Executive/Technical” standard, the details of which is available at DMRC website.  Since the  requirement  is  urgent,  the  selected  candidate  will  be  required  to  join  the  post immediately. 

         The selected candidates can be posted at any of DMRC Project offices in Delhi, NCR,
Jaipur, Kochi, etc.

Note : The result for the reserved category post will be provisional and subject to the final
outcome  of  the  WRIT  Petition  No.  7878/2010  (Sarv  Rural  &  Urban  Welfare  Vs  UOI  &

The  willing  candidates  may  appear  for  “Walk  In  Interview”  on  30/04/2012  at  10:00
AM sharp with all original documents and proof of having qualified the  written  test  of  Engineering  services  Examination  in  any  of  the  three  preceding  IES
examinations conducted by UPSC.

Venue :
 Office of the Executive Director (HR)
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd.
Metro Bhawan, 3rd
 Floor Meeting Room
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi  

Time :
Reporting time 10:00 AM  on  30/04/12.  

 The detailed form to be filled up is enclosed.  The candidates may bring three copies of
the  filled  in  form  in  original  along  with  four  copies  of  recent  passport  size  photos  and  all the  relevant  documents  and  testimonials.  They  have to  produce  the  “Interview  Call  letter received  by  them  after  qualifying  the  IES  examination  during  the  years  2009/  2010/  2011 for appearing for the interview.

Do you had any Queries in your mind about this Job then Drop your Query in our Comment Box below and get Answer


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