Wednesday, 18 April 2012

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SAIL (Steel Authority of India)
Job Role : Management Trainees (Technical) and Management Trainees (Administration).

Start Date to Apply Online : 18th April 2012.

Last Date to Apply Online : 9th May 2012.

SAIL, a Maharatna Company, is the leading steel-making company in India with a turnover of Rs. 47,103 crore (FY 10-11). The company is one of the  highest profits earning corporate of the country. SAIL, is in the process of modernizing and expanding its production units, raw material resources and other facilities to maintain its dominant position in the Indian steel market. To man front-line executive positions in its Plant/Units, SAIL invites applications for the posts of Management Trainees (Technical) and Management Trainees (Administration)  in E-1 grade from young, energetic, result oriented and promising talent in the country. 
Selection Procedure : Eligible candidates will be required to appear for a Written Examination, information for which will be provided in the Admit card. Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the Written Test will be intimated to appear for Group Discussion/Interview.

WRITTEN TEST :  Eligible candidates will be required to appear for objective type written test at any one of the centres  at  Agartala,  Allahabad,  Bangalore,  Baroda,  Bhilai,  Bhopal,  Bhubaneswar,  Bokaro, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi (NCR), Durgapur, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Ranchi, Rourkela, Salem, Trichy, Vijaywada  and Visakhapatnam. However, SAIL may add/delete any centre and allocate appropriate centre to the candidates.

The written test for both the above mentioned posts will be held on the same day as per the
following schedule:
i) For MT(Technical)    -  In the Forenoon session
ii) For MT(Administration)  -  In the Afternoon session

Candidates can apply and compete for both or either of the above stated posts, subject to their fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed for each. Those interested in competing for both the posts will have to apply separately for each of the post with requisite fee and also will be required to appear in the tests in both the sessions at the same centre.

Candidates shortlisted on the basis of their performance in the written test will be intimated to appear for Group Discussion/Interview, which may be held at short notice. The Interview Call letters will be uploaded on SAIL website and candidates will be intimated for the same through their emails.

State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the registration fee (examination/ processing fee), in a specially opened account (No.   32286155304) at CAG Branch, New Delhi, on behalf of SAIL.  Candidate has to approach the nearby SBI branch with a printout of the pay-in-slip which is available on the Application Registration Portal. 

The pay-in-slip printed from the Portal only should be used for depositing the fee for proper crediting of amount in the allocated account. On receipt of the money the concerned branch of SBI will issue a unique Journal Number and a Branch Code of the branch collecting the money.  This Journal Number and the Branch Code are to be filled up by the candidate during online registration.  In case a candidate deposits  the  fee  in  a wrong  account,  or  doesnít  finally  submit  the  application  form with payment details, SAIL will not be responsible. There will not be any other mode of collection of registration fee. 

Also, please note that an amount of Rs.20/- will be paid by the candidate as Bank  Charges  to  the  collection  branch  of  SBI  in  addition  to  the  applicable  registration/ processing fee. The SBI branches will accept the fee from 10.00 AM of the starting date to 5.00 PM of the closing date of submission of online application. 

How to Apply : Eligible  and  interested  candidates  would  be  required  to  apply  online  only  through  SAILís website : No other means/mode of application will be accepted.  Before  registering  their  applications  on  the  website  the  candidates  should  possess  the following :
a)  Valid e-mail ID, which should remain valid for atleast one year.
b)  Pay in Slip for Rs.500/- as examination fee for General and OBC Candidates. Rs.100/- as
processing fee for SC/ST/ PH/Departmental candidates. The Pay-in-Slip is to be downloaded
from the website after filling in the required details. 

c)  Candidates should have latest passport size photograph as well as photograph of signatures
in digital format (.jpg or jpeg file only, of less than 500 kb size) for uploading with the
application form.   

d)  Candidates applying for both MT (Tech.) and MT (Admn.) should register separately with
separate application and processing fee.   

After applying online, candidate is required to download the system generated Registration
Slip with unique registration number and other essential details. 


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