Sunday, 20 January 2013

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BITSAT 2013 Exam Notifications have been released and the candidates can complete the online form filling process by CLICKING HERE.

BITSAT 2013 is an ONLINE test conducted every year for Admission in Integrated First Degree Programmes of Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) Pilani. BITS Pilani is a Deemed University with its campus at three places – Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad.

BITSAT  is a Computer based online test for Admission to Integrated First Degree Programmes of BITS Pilani Campuses in Pilani, Goa and Hyderabad.

More information on BITSAT-2013:

 Click the relevant links below for more information on BITSAT-2013.




For admission to any of the Integrated First Degree Programmes of BITS the candidate should have passed the 12th class examination of 10+2 system from a recognized Central or State board or its equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Further, the candidate should have obtained a minimum of 75% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics subjects in 12th class examination, at least 60% marks in each of the Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects and adequate proficiency in English. However, admissions will be made only on his/her merit position based on the score obtained in BITSAT2013. Only Students who are appearing for 12th class examination in 2013 or who have passed the 12th class examination in 2012 are eligible to appear for BITSAT2013.

If a candidate has taken more than one attempt in 12th class or its equivalent, only his latest performance is considered, provided this attempt has been for the full component of subjects/courses prescribed. Students who have passed 12th examination in 2011 or earlier are NOT eligible to appear in BITSAT-2013. Students who are presently studying in BITS at any of its campuses are not eligible to appear in BITSAT-2013

The Courses under BITSAT 2013 Entrance Exam are – B.E. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. (Tech.). The students admitted in M.Sc. (Hons.) can pursue DUAL Degree, based on a competitive performance after their first year at PILANI, GOA and Hyderabad campuses. Such students will complete their two degrees in 5yrs.

The eligibility criteria for BITSAT 2013 require the candidate to have secured a minimum aggregate of 75% in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and a minimum of 60% in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics taken individually.

The candidates who have appeared for 12th class examination in 2011 or earlier are not eligible for BITSAT 2013. However, the candidates who are appearing for 12th class examination in 2013 can apply for this exam.

For the candidates who have taken more than one attempt at clearing 12th class or equivalent exam, the latest attempt will be considered eligible for BITSAT 2013 Entrance Exam given 2nd attempt was for full course.

The candidates who are already studying in any of the campuses of BITS Pilani are not eligible for BITSAT 2013.

Admission to all the courses under BITSAT 2013 will be granted on the merit basis and the marks obtained in class 12th exam as told earlier.

The Board Toppers from all the Boards listed in the BITSAT 2013 brochure will gain direct admission in BITS Pilani campuses. Other details regarding direct admission will be available on the BITS website by 20th of May 2013.

Candidates will have to appear in a computer based ONLINE test which will span over a period of time and will be of 3 hr duration.

The BITSAT 2013 question paper will have FOUR sections:

  1. Section 1: Physics
  2. Section 2: Chemistry
  3. Section 3: (a) English Proficiency and (b) Logical Reasoning
  4. Section 4: Mathematics

The BITSAT 2013 question paper will consist of 150 objective type MCQs. Each correct answer will have a weightage of 3 Marks and a wrong answer will earn -1 to the candidates.

The question distribution in the question paper of BITSAT 2013 will vary as:

  • Physics: 40
  • Chemistry: 40
  • English Proficiency: 15
  • Logical Reasoning: 10
  • Mathematics: 45

While attempting the questions in BITSAT 2013 Entrance Exam, candidates can go back and change their answers at any time. BITSAT 2013 has been designed such that good students can finish the exam in 180 minutes. However, highly meritorious students can also finish it earlier and for those, to score more, 12 extra questions have been framed.

However, once switching over to solve those extra questions, the candidates can no longer go back and change the answers of previous 150 questions.

The question papers will be in different sets and the candidates have to bring pen for rough work and signing etc. Blank sheets will be provided to do rough work and calculators, Log tables etc are not allowed in the BITSAT 2013 exam hall.

Candidates are to download their BITSAT 2013 HALL-TICKETS from in between 15th and 30th April, 2013 and bring print outs of these hall tickets on the day of BITSAT 2013. Photograph and finger print of candidate will be taken on the exam day and will be matched at the time of admission.

Candidates’ activities will be examined throughout the BITSAT 2013 exam session and any candidate violating the rules will be disqualified at the spot.

The syllabus of BITSAT Entrance Exam is same as NCERT syllabus of 11th and 12th class. A sample test is available on the official website of BITSAT 2013 which can be solved by the candidates as many times as they want.

As soon as the candidate has completed the test, the result will be announced in the form of CORRECT and INCORRECT responses and the individual score. After all the exams have been completed, candidate can also print his score card available at the website of BITSAT 2013.

Candidates, who have appeared for BITSAT 2013 exam, satisfy the criteria of 12th class marks and want to apply for any course in BITS PILANI, will have to submit an Admission Application, with their 12th class score and choice of course till 29th of June 2013.

As soon as the application process for BITSAT 2013 Entrance Exam is complete, a merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by a candidate. If however, a TIE occurs in the marks obtained by two or more candidates, ranks will be decided on the basis of firstly, the marks obtained in Mathematics, then Physics, then Chemistry and finally their PCM total in 12th category.

The candidates should apply ONLINE for BITSAT 2013 by registering on and paying the fees. Candidates should preserve a photocopy of the filed form for future correspondences.

Payment options for BITSAT 2013 vary as :

  • By DD, FEMALE candidates will have to pay Rs. 1350/- and MALE candidates have to pay Rs. 1850/- and send that DD to Admissions Officer, BITS, Pilani – 333 031.
  • Candidates opting for a mode OTHER than DD will have to pay Rs.1750/- (MALE) and Rs.1250/- (FEMALE).
  • Candidates opting for DUBAI as exam center for BITSAT 2013 will have to pay US$ 50 regardless of Male/female Candidates.

Last date for payment to reach the Admissions Office, BITS Pilani is 15th of February 2013.

After getting the test dates notification, candidates will have to download their Hall Tickets of BITSAT 2013 from the website in between 15th and 30th April, 2013.

Procedure for submitting Applications for Admission of BITSAT 2013

Candidates will have to send an Application Form for admission and the choice of course to the following address till 20th of May 2013.

The application form and detailed process of application will be given on the website of BITSAT 2013.
The Admissions Officer,
Pilani – 333 031



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