Staff selection commission now going to conducts a common written
examination form Group C MTS. SSC Group C multi tasking exam is schedule
to held on 10 march , 17 march, and 24 march 2013. Northern Zone MTS
exam on 10 march, Central Zone 17 march and eastern Zone will conducts
Multi tasking staff group C on 24 march 2013. All preparation form for
conducting written examination peacefully now over.
This time around more then 6 lakh candidates applied for 31 group C MTS
post in central Region. 28 seats for Uttar pradesh and 3 seats for Bihar
but more then 6 lakh candidates now going to participates in Group C
multi tasking exam 2013. it’s a big astonishing record created by crowed
of educated applicants.
Every one surprised after seeing the application form for Group C posts. This is the final number of applicant after rejecting so many application form. Now day’s candidates attracting toward government job published by central government or SSC. Many lakh candidates applying for ssc recruitment but due to very less posts in mts vacancy candidates filled form in huge majority.
Every one surprised after seeing the application form for Group C posts. This is the final number of applicant after rejecting so many application form. Now day’s candidates attracting toward government job published by central government or SSC. Many lakh candidates applying for ssc recruitment but due to very less posts in mts vacancy candidates filled form in huge majority.
Application form was invited for the post of Group C Multi Tasking Staff
in Central Government Ministries/Departments/ Attached &
Subordinate Offices in the month of November. Each region published
their recruitment notification region wise. These posts come under the
service of General Central Service, Group-‘C’, Non-gazetted, Non -
SSC Group C Admit card and call letter now available for download.
Candidates can download their admit card from the official website of
SSC www.SSC.NiC.In
Download Group C SSC MTS exam 2013 admit card and call letter for all region.
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