Tuesday, 9 April 2013

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Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department Gujarat 47 Junior Supervisor Posts 2013

Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department, Govt. of Gujarat has issued notification for the recruitment of 47 Junior Supervisor Posts. Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 02-05-2013. 

For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below…
FCSCAD Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies : 47

Job Role : Junior Supervisor
Age Limit: 
Candidates age must be between 20-30 years as on 02-05-2013. Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Educational Qualifications: 
Candidates must possess BSC (Physics)/BE/Diploma with relevant experience.
Application Fee: 
Candidates have to pay Rs.100+ Rs.12 (Application Fee + Charges).
Selection Process: 
Candidates will be selected on the basis of Written Test.
How to Apply: 
 Candidates have to apply through online from http://ojas.guj.nic.in & http://ojas1.guj.nic.in from 11-04-2013 to 02-05-2013.
Instructions for online Applications:
1. First Candidates have to scan their photo and signature.
2. Now Log on to the website http://ojas.guj.nic.in & http://ojas1.guj.nic.in from 11-04-2013 to 02-05-2013.
3. Click on Apply Now.
4. Fill all Details.
5. Upload the Photo and Signature File.
6. Click on Confirm Application.
7. Tak a Hard Copy of the Submitted Application.

Starting Date for Online Applications: 11-04-2013.

Closing Date for Online Applications: 02-05-2013.

For more details regarding age, qualifications, selections and other information click on the below given link….


Department of Indian System of Medicine & Homoeopathy Gujarat 75 Para Medical Staff Posts 2013

Department of Indian System of Medicine & Homoeopathy, Gujarat has issued notification for the recruitment of 75 Para Medical Staff Posts under Class – III. Eligible candidates can apply online from 08-04-2013 to 22-04-2013. For more details regarding age, qualifications, selections and other information click on the below given link….
DISMH Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies : 75

Job Role : Para Medical Staff

1. Storekeeper (Pharmacy Section): 01 post
2. Assistant Pharmacist: 01 post
3. Librarian: 02 posts
4. Plant Collector: 03 posts
5. Laboratory Technician: 07 posts

6. B.Pharm Assistant: 06 posts
7. Laboratory Technician (Ayu): 03 posts
8. X-ray Technician: 01 post
9. Assistant Laboratory Technician: 05 posts
10. Compounder (ayu): 35 posts

11. Assistant Technician, Panchakarma: 04 posts
12. Dresser: 07 posts
Age Limit:
 Candidates age must be below 28 years for Sr. No. 7 to 12 posts, 30 years for Sr. No. 5 to 8 posts & 32 years for Sr. No. 1 & 3 posts, 35 years for Sr. No. 2 posts. Relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Educational Qualifications: 
Candidates must possess SSC/ 12th Class/ B.Pharmacy/ B.Sc/ PG.
How to Apply: 
Candidates have to apply through online from http://ojas.guj.nic.in from 08-04-2013 to 22-04-2013.
Instructions for online Applications:
1. 1. First Candidates have to scan their photo and signature.
2. Now Log on to the website http://ojas.guj.nic.in from 08-04-2013 to 22-04-2013.
3. Click on Apply Now.
4. Fill all Details.
5. Upload the Photo and Signature File.
6. Click on Confirm Application.
7. Tak a Hard Copy of the Submitted Application.

Starting Date for Online Applications: 08-04-2013.

Closing Date for Online Applications: 22-04-2013.

For more details regarding age, qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below…..


Commissionerate of Geology & Mining Industries and Mines Department Gujarat Geological Assistant Posts 2013

Commissionerate of Geology & Mining Industries and Mines Department, Gujarat has issued notification for the recruitment of 10 Geological Assistant Posts. Eligble candidates can apply in prescribed format on or before 19-04-2013. 

For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below…
CGMIMD Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies: 10

Job Role : Geological Assistants
Age Limit: 
Candidates age must be below 30 years. Age relaxations will be extended as per the rules.
Educational Qualifications:
 Candidates must possess Geological Sciences Degree or equivalent from any recognized institute or university.
Selection Process: 
Candidates will be selected on the basis of written test.
How to Apply: 
Eligible candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification. Fill the form, affix photograph, attach copies of age, caste, educational and technical qualification certificates and send it 
Commissioner of Geology and Mining Block-1,2/seventh Floor, 
Udyog Bhavan, 
on or before 19-04-2013.

Last Date for Receipt of Filled in Applications : 19-04-2013.

For more details regarding age, qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below….


Jilla Gram Vikas Agency Dang Gujarat Various Vacancies 2013

 Jilla Gram Vikas Agency Dang, Gujarat has issued notification for the recruitment of 13 various posts. Eligible candidates can apply on or before 15-04-2013. 

For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below…..
JGVAD Vacancy Details:
Number of Vacancies : 13
Job Role :
I. Under DRDA:
1. Assistant Admin. Coordinator: 02 Posts
2. Accountant: 01 Post
3. Assistant Account: 01 Post
4. Gujarati Typist: 01 Post
5. Junior Clerk: 01 Post
6. Driver: 01 Post

II. Under NBA:
7. Data Entry Operator: 01 Post
8. Mobilize For Rural Area: 02 Posts
9. Cluster Coordinator: 02 Posts

10. Statistics Assistant: 01 Post
Educational Qualifications: 
Candidates must possess 10th Class, Any Degree with MS-Office Knowledge, B.Com/ M.Com with PGDCA, Driving License, Graduation with Mass Communication/ Social Science/ Rural Study/ Statistics/ Economics and Mathematics.
How to Apply: 
Eligible candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification. Fill the form, affix photo, attach copies of relevant documents and send it 
Jilla Vikas Gram Agency, 
Near Rang Upavan, 
Aahwa Dang 
on or before 15-04-2013.

Last Date for Receipt of Filled in Applications : 15-04-2013.

For more details regarding age, qualifications, selections and other information click on the below given link…..


Gujarat Urban Development Mission Various Vacancies 2013

Gujarat Urban Development Mission, under Mukhayamantri Aawas Smrudhhi Yojana, Gandhinagar, Gujarat has issued notification for the recruitment of Various Vacancies. Eligible candidates can apply in prescribed format on or before 15-04-2013 & attend for interview on 22-04-2013. 

For more details regarding age limit, educational qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below…..
Gujarat Urban Development Mission Vacancy Details
Job Role
1. Specialist (Community Mobilization & MIS)
2. Project Specialist (Housing & Slum Development)

II. RAY Cell:
3. GIS Specialist
4. Social Development Specialist
5. Project Eng. Specialist
6. Capacity Building/ Training Coordinator
7. MIS Specialist
8. Town Planning Specialist

III. Bhavnagar Zonal Office:
9. Social Development Officer (PIU-IHSDP)

IV. Vadodara Zonal Office:
10. Social Development Officer (PIU-IHSDP)

V. Surat Zonal Office:
11. Research Officer (PIU-IHSDP)
12. Livelihood Development Specialist (PIUIHSDP)

VI. Rajkot Zonal Office:
13. Research Officer (PIU-IHSDP)
14. Livelihood Development Specialist (PIUIHSDP)
Educational Qualifications
 Candidates must possess Degree/ Masters Degree in Sociology/ Development Science/ Social Work/ Communication, Senior Engineer (B.E. or M.E. – Civil) / Town planner (degree in town planning), Master or Doctoral Degree in Social Science, Senior Engineer/Town Planner.
Selection Process
 Candidates will be selected on the basis of interview.
How to Apply
Candidates have to apply in prescribed format as shown in the notification or can be downloaded from the website www.gudm.org. Fill the form, affix photograph, attach copies of age, educational and technical qualification certificates must be sent 
Gujarat Urban Development Mission, 
GMFB Building, Sector 10/A, 
on or before 15-04-2013.

Last Date for Receipt of Filled in Applications : 15-04-2013.

Walk in Date : 22-04-2013.

For more details regarding age, qualifications, selection process and how to apply are mentioned below….




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