Saturday, 18 May 2013

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CEPTAM Eligibility Details
DRDO offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in very broad spectrum of subjects/ disciplines at its more than 50 laboratories/ establishments spread throughout the country. Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) conducts a Centre for Personnel Talent Management the Entry test (CEPTAM) for the recruitment of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ (STA’B’), Technician ‘A’ (Tech ‘A’), Assistant (Hindi), Admin & Allied Category Posts. The following are the Eligibility Details…
Eligibility Criteria:
I. a) Candidate must be a Citizen of India.

b) Age Limit: Candidates age should be between 18 years and 28 years for STAT-B and Tech -A posts. between 18 t o 30 years for Asst Hindi Post, 18 to 27 years for Admin & Allied posts except for Asst Hindi post.

c) Candidates must have completed the Essential Qualification Requirement (EQR) and other eligibility for the posts as on CLOSING DATE.

d) Candidates must have read the required subject at least for 2 years in the course of B.Sc. programme.

e) Please note that the candidates possessing higher qualification viz. M.Sc. or B.Tech, B.E. degree etc as on closing date, shall NOT be considered for the recruitment to the posts of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’.

f) Candidates must be in good mental & physical health and free from any physical deformity which may interfere in efficient discharge of duties. A candidate, after medical examination as may be prescribed by the competent authority, conducted before the offer of appointment is issued, if found unfit, will not be appointed.

g) Candidates serving in Govt. / PSU/ Autonomous organizations/ armed forces including (departmental candidates) must apply through proper channel and may send an advance copy before closing date to be initially considered with intimation to their offices. They shall not be interviewed if they fail to produce “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the present employer at the time of interview.

h) At any stage of selection process, if it is found on verification that an individual fails to fulfil any of the eligibility criteria, his/her candidature shall be treated as cancelled without notice and no representation in this regard shall be entertained under any circumstances.
 Reservation Benefits:
 a) Reservation benefits will be available to the candidates in accordance with the instructions/orders/circulars, issued by Govt. from time to time. IMPORTANT: Candidates who wish to be considered against reserved vacancies, seeking age and fee relaxation/concession, must support their claim by submitting applications alongwith their duly self attested copies of relevant certificates issued by Govt./notified Competent Authority, else their claim for any relaxation/concession etc will not be considered  and their application will be dealt with as that falling under General Category (UR).

b) PWD: As per PWD reservation roster of DRDO, the reserved vacancies for PWD are mentioned against vacancies. PWD candidates applying against unreserved vacancies will be treated as general candidates.

c) ESM: The person  who has served in any rank in regular Indian Army, Navy or Air Force and retired after earning Pension or any other relevant terms & conditions of Govt. of India d) MSP: As per rules of Government of India
Age Relaxation: The candidate must be within prescribed age limit on the closing date. However, upper age limit is relaxable for SC, ST, OBC, PWD, MSP, ESM, GS, persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of  J&K state during the period from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989, Widows, Divorced women and Women judicially separated from husband but not remarried as per the rule prescribed by the Government of India. For relaxation of age limit and proforma for certificates, our website may be referred to.
II. Educational Qualification:
a) Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’(STA-’B'): 
Candidates should possess B.Sc Degree or Three years Diplome in Engineering in Agricultural Science, Automobile Engineering,  Biotechnology, Botany, Chemical Engineering,  Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Electronics,  Electrical, Electronics & Communication or Electronics & Telecommunication, Electronics & Instrumentation, Electronics, Geology, Instrumentation, Library Science, Mathematics, Mechanical,  Mechatronics, Metallurgy,  Microbiology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Photography, Physics, Printing, Psychology, Radiography, Surveyor, Textile, Tool Die & Moulding, Veterinary Science Zoology from recognized University/ Institute.
b) Technician’A’ (Tech’A'): 
Candidates should possess X Class or equivalent and certificate from ITI in  Automobile, Book Binder, Carpenter,  COPA, Cutting & Tailoring, Draughtsman (Mechanical),  DTP Operator, Electrician, Electronics, Electroplating, Fitter, FRP Processor, Grinder, Instrument Mechanic, Machinist, Machinist (CNC Operator),  Mechanic (Diesel), Medical Lab Technology, Mill Wright Mechanic, Motor Vehicle Mechanic, Painter, Photographer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Sheet Metal Worker, Turner, Welder trade.
c) Admin & Allied Category Posts:
i. Assistant Hindi: Master’s Degree of a recognized University in English/Hindi with Hindi and English as compulsory elective subjects at degree level OR Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as main subjects (which includes the term compulsory and elective) and two years Experience of translation from English to Hindi and vice versa .

ii.Personal Assistant ‘A’: XII class pass or equivalent from Board or University. Accurate speed of 80 words per minute in shorthand and 40 words per minute in typing in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi or Accurate speed of 8000 key depressions per hour for data entry into computer.

iii. Admin Assistant ‘A’ & Store Assistant ‘A’:  XII Class Pass Or equivalent from a recognized Board or University, Typing on computer at the speed of 30 words per minute in Hindi (30 words per minute corresponds to 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.) or Typing on computer at the speed of 35 word per minute in English (35 words per minute corresponds to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.)

iv. Security Assistant ‘A’: XII class pass Or equivalent from a recognized Board or University or equivalent certificate awarded by Armed Forces in the case of Ex-Serviceman, Physical fitness and capability to undertake strenuous duties.

v. Civilian Driver ‘A’: X class pass Or equivalent qualification by the Central/   State  Governments  and possessing  a valid driving  license for Two/ Three wheelers and light and heavy vehicles (both) and  One year experience of driving after acquiring the license (HMV).

vi. Fire Engine Driver ‘A’: X class  pass  Or  equivalent  qualification  recognized by  the Central/  State Governments,  valid driving  license for Two/ Three wheelers and light and heavy vehicles (both), Knowledge of traffic regulations, (iv) Physical  fitness and capability for strenuous duties.

vii. Fire men: X  class  pass  certificate  recognized  by Central/  State Governments,  Physical fitness  and capability to perform strenuous duties.



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