IFFCO Graduate Engineer Trainee Jobs 2012, Job Vacancies in Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, apply online, register now, login, forget password, Details, Information
Company Description :
To serve the cause of IFFCO’s mission as stated in the mission document available on the homepage of IFFCO. To make strategic use of IFFCO’s website to promote the mission of the organisation to improve the welfare of Indian farmers.
Provide information on all aspects of IFFCO to visitors from both within and outside the country.
Extend IT enabled services to farmers and cooperatives to promote IT penetration and improve IT comfort levels in rural India.
To evolve appropriate dissemination strategies for effective use of IT Enabled Services in Rural India.
To extend e-services to cooperative members of IFFCO and in a phased manner, extend e-commerce through the website.
Provide latest and reliable information and extend other services to all those actively involved in the development of Indian agriculture and rural development.
Provide necessary information / services for suppliers to IFFCO and achieve e-procurement in a phased manner.
Provide information on all aspects of IFFCO to visitors from both within and outside the country.
Extend IT enabled services to farmers and cooperatives to promote IT penetration and improve IT comfort levels in rural India.
To evolve appropriate dissemination strategies for effective use of IT Enabled Services in Rural India.
To extend e-services to cooperative members of IFFCO and in a phased manner, extend e-commerce through the website.
Provide latest and reliable information and extend other services to all those actively involved in the development of Indian agriculture and rural development.
Provide necessary information / services for suppliers to IFFCO and achieve e-procurement in a phased manner.
Job Role : FFCO requires Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) for its existing establishments / subsidiaries / Joint Ventures and future projects anywhere in India or abroad
Job Qualification : Four years Full Time Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from recognized university / Institute in the disciplines Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Civil. Instrumentation & Electronics.
Job Location : New Delhi, All India
Last Date : 18 January 2012
labels:IFFCO Graduate Engineer Trainee Jobs 2012, Job Vacancies in Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, apply online, register now, login, forget password, Details, Information
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