Thursday, 2 February 2012

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apply for Assistant Professor Jobs in IITTM


i)   Complete  application  as  per  the  prescribed  format  along  with  application  fee  of  Rs.500.00 in the form of Bank Draft drawn in favour of  the Director, IITTM and payable at Gwalior,    may  be  submitted  to  the   Administrative  Officer,  Indian  Institute  of Tourism  and  Travel  Management,  Govindpuri,  Gwalior  (MP)-  474011  latest  by  19th March  2012.  SC,  ST  and  Physically  Handicapped  applicants  are  fully  exempted  from payment of the prescribed fees.   

ii) Applications  should  be supported  by  relevant  documents  (attested) in  all  respects. Applications not supported by documents will be summarily rejected.

 iii)  Applications  for  the  posts  reserved  for  Scheduled  Castes/Scheduled  Tribes  should  be supported  by  the  Caste/Tribe  certificate  in  a  GOI  prescribed  format  duly  issued  by the competent authority.  Applications for posts reserved for Physically Handicapped should be supported by appropriate Medical Certificate duly issued by the authorized Medical Board.  Applicants  for  the  reserved  post  of  OBC  are  required  to  submit  a  certificate regarding his/her ‘OBC status and non-creamy layer status’ in  a prescribed  format  duly issued  by  the competent authority.  Relaxations  and  concessions  will  apply  as  per UGC
GOI Regulation on reservation in Direct Recruitments.

iv) Candidates already  in  service  should  submit their  applications  through  proper  channel. While  an  advance  copy  may  be  sent  directly,  a  No  Objection  Certificate  (NOC)  or  duly forwarded application should be produced at the time of interview.

v)  The last date for receiving of completed applications is 19th March 2012.

vi)  IITTM  reserves  the  right  not  to  fill  any  of  the  post(s).  There  may  be  an  increase  or decrease in the number of posts.

vii) No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.  

viii) Certificate  in  support  of  experience  should be  in  proper  format  i.e.  it  bears  the organization’s  letter-head,  the  date  of  issue,  specific  period  of  work,  name  and designation of issuing authority along with signature and  official seal.

ix)  IITTM  will  not be  responsible  for any postal  delay  in the  event  of correspondence  with the applicants/candidates.

x)  Application received after  the  last closing date,  incomplete in  any  manner  or  required paper/enclosures as prescribed shall not be considered.

xi)  IITTM shall verify the antecedents and the documents submitted by a candidate, at any time,  at  the  time  of  appointment  or  during  the  tenure  of  service.   In  case  of  fake documents,  clandestine  antecedents  or  suppression  of  information,  services  in  the IITTM shall be terminated forthwith. 

xii) In case of any inadvertent mistake detected in the process of selection after the issue ofappointment,  IITTM  reserves  the  right  to  modify/withdraw/cancel  any  officer ofappointment made to the candidate in case of selection.

xiii)  Candidates  are  advised  to  satisfy  themselves  before  applying for  the  post that  theypossess  at  least  the  minimum  essential  qualifications  as  laid  down  in  theadvertisement/IITTM website.

xiv)  No correspondence nor telephonic/electronic query will be entertained from candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being calledfor  interview.  Canvassing  directly  or  indirectly  at  any  stage  of  the  recruitment  processwill lead to disqualification.

xv)  Applications  shall  be  sent/submitted  by  super-scribing  the norms  of  the post  appliedfor   on the envelope.

xvii) In institutions where grading system is followed, applicants are required to convert thegrade  obtained  by  them  into  its  equivalent  percentage  giving  the  standard  conversion formula.

xix)  The  aspirants  for  the  jobs  of  Asst.  Professor  advertised  are  required  to  submit  their applications  with  completed Datasheet based  on  data  as  on the  last/closing  date  of receipt of applications. 

xx)  The  Application  form  as  per  the  prescribed  format  appearing  may  be  created  ordownloaded in A-4 size paper.


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