Wednesday, 15 February 2012

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Health Department Haryana Recruitment For Medical Officer Feb 2012 - Total vacancy apply online 439 - MBBS Jobs -, MEDICAL OFFICER JOB VACANCIES IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT HARYANA 2012, MBBS RECRUITMENTS HARYANA HEALTH DEPARTMENT

Organisation Name :  Health Department, Department of Haryana.

Organisation Description :

Health department has manifold functions and duties which are as under :-
1. Provide promotive , preventive , curative and rehabilitative services to the community through primary health care delivery system.
2. Provide equitable and quality health care at primary, secondary and tertiary level.
3. Extension, expansion and consolidation of rural health infrastructure.
4. Respond to the local community health needs and request.
5. It takes many steps for population stabilization.
6. Provide Reproductive and Child Health Services with the objective of reducing MMR & IMR.
7. Provide immunization services against vaccine preventive diseases of childhood as well as pregnant mothers against tetanus during child birth.
8. Provide Family Welfare Services.
9. Provide Essential Obstetric Care.
10. Enforcement of PNDT Act to prevent Sex Determination.
11. Implement and monitor various National Health Programmes.
12. Provide emergency obstetric care.
13. Ensure potable drinking water and basic sanitation facilities.
14. Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases through active disease surveillance and timely remedial measures.
15 Provide treatment for common disease and injuries including emergency medical care.
16. Provide essential drugs, materials, equipments & modern medical/surgical gadgets for diagnosis and treatment of patients.
17. Birth and Registration through Civil Registration System.
18. Work with other sectors in promoting activities and initiatives related to health.
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19. Promotion of proper and balanced nutrition – To raise the health status of the community.
20. Provide in service orientation training to the medical and paramedical personnel’s – To update their knowledge and sharpen their skills.
21. Enforcement of various Acts like Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, Drugs & Cosmetic Act, Human organ Transplant, Mental health Act, Radiation protection
Ac-, MTP Act, Birth & Registration Act, Human Anatomy Act and implementation Of Bio Medical Waste Management & Handling rules.
22. Educate community to bring about behavioral change regarding various Health and Family Welfare programmes thereby improving the quality of life – through
various mass media activities.
23. Conduct Medico Legal and Postmortem examination.
24. Conduct Medical Examination for first entry into Govt. service, driving license,
disability, medical fitness, communication of pension etc.
25. Issuance of manufacturing, wholesale & retail drug license.

Recruitment Details of Medical Officers in Haryana  Government of Haryana wants to have to recruitment of Medical Officer HCMS-II
Department of Health, Sector-6, Panchkula, Haryana

Job Role : Medical Officer : 439 posts (UR-52, SC-202, BC-48, ESM/DESM-86, PH-51)

Educational Qualification : MBBS

Pay scale : Rs. 9300- 34800 grade pay Rs.5400/- +NPA

How to Apply: Application in the prescribed format complete in all respect must reach
Director General,
Health Services
Haryana, Sector 6,
by 5.00 PM on Dated 29/02/2012.

Last Date : 29/02/2012.

Click Here For More Details

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Health Department Haryana Recruitment For Medical Officer Feb 2012 - Total vacancy apply online 439 - MBBS Jobs -, MEDICAL OFFICER JOB VACANCIES IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT HARYANA 2012, MBBS RECRUITMENTS HARYANA HEALTH DEPARTMENT



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