Wednesday, 15 February 2012

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Registration Fee Payment Procedure apply online

Registration Fee Payment Procedure  

Registration fee can be Paid in any of the two ways

1. Through AP Online / E-Seva / CSC
2. Through Debit/Credit Card

Payment by AP Online / e-Seva / CSC

1. Visit any of the AP Online,e-Seva / CSC centers with the following mandatory details:
  Hall Ticket number of the Qualifying Examination Eg:- Intermediate Public Examination, CBSE, ICSE, RGUKT  etc..
  Name of the Candidate
  Candidate's Father Name
  Date of Birth of the Candidate
  Hall Ticket number of  S.S.C(10th Class)
  Mobile number
  Stream applying for Engineering(E)  or Agriculture & Medical (AM) or Both (E&AM)
2. Pay the requisite fee and Obtain a  receipt for Registration fee paid and ensure that it contains a Transaction Id.
3. Logon using the "Transaction Id" given above.

Payment by Debit / Credit card

1. If you choose to make payment using Debit / Credit card mode, go through the Instruction booklet / User Guide carefully and be ready with ALL the required mandatory details given below .
2. Mandatory details.

  •  Hall Ticket of the Qualifying Examination Eg: Intermediate Public Examination, CBSE, ICSE, RGUKT etc..
  • Name of the Candidate
  • Candidate Father's Name
  • Date of Birth of Candidate
  • Hall Ticket number of S.S.c (10th Class)
  • Mobile Number
  • Stream applying for Engineering(E) or Agriculture and Medical (AM) or Both (E & AM) 

 3.   After entering the details above, Click on the " Make Payment " Button and proceed to fill the online application form.
 4.  During the payment process don't click the Back/Refresh buttons or don't close the browser page abruptly.
5. After successful payment through Debit/Credit Card, a "Transaction Id" is generated and displayed on the screen. Then proceed to fill the online application by clicking the button "Proceed to fill Online Application Form".



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