Tuesday, 6 March 2012

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Special care to be taken while Applying online.
  • Email id must be correct.
  • Date of Birth must be correct.
  • Journal No.,Branch code must be same as on Challan form.
  • Mobile No. must  be correct.
Special care to be taken while submitting hard copy of Registration Slip and Testimonials to DMRC.
  1. Please, Paste your recent passport size colored photograph (3.5 cm X 3.5 cm) at appropriate place.
  2. Put your signature at the allocated place and put your left thumb impression on the relevant place allocated in the Registration slip. The thumb impression must be clear and complete.  Ridges of the thumb impression must be clearly visible. 
  3. Please fill in the declaration given on the registration slip in their own handwriting.  Handwriting should be in free flow and not in capital letters.
  4. Candidates must ensure that the photograph must in colour ,  not more than 03 months old from the date of the publication of this notification and it should be of good quality with fine print.  Applications with mutilated or deformed photographs will summarily be rejected by DMRC.  The other copy of the registration slip should be kept with the candidate for future reference.
Documents to be sent with the duly filled registration slip (as explained in para 13 of Advt.) :
  1. Original copy of the  payment challan meant for DMRC.
  2. Candidates belonging to SC/ST categories must attach an attested copy of their SC/ST certificates with the registration slip.  OBC candidates (central list) are also required to attach the attested copy of their certificate.
What shall lead to summarily rejection of your Application.

1.If Application is not signed by you.

2.If left hand thumb impression has not been put on application.

3.If declaration is not hand written.

4.If photograph is not pasted at desired place as per specification given.
5.If caste certificate is not attached (SC/ST/OBC).

6. If DMRC copy of Application Fee Challan is not attached.

7. If Payment is not for the requisite amount for your category as required.

8. Payment through any mode other than Challan as required. (No Demand Draft/ Postal Order/ Banker's Cheque etc. is acceptable) 



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