JOB VACANCIES IN CIIL CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF INDIAN LANGUAGES, TRAINING PROGRAM LANGUAGES FOR TEACHERS, RESEARCH STUDENTS, MINORITY, LANGUAGE SPEAKERS, TRANSLATORS LANGUAGES 2012, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu, Bengali, Maithili, Oriya and Santali, Dogri, Kashmiri, Punjabi and Urdu, Gujarati, Konkani, Marathi and Sindhi, Assamese, Bodo, Manipuri and Nepali
Organisation Name : Central Institute of Indian Languages CIIL
Organisation Description :
All through the last 32 years in existence, this Institute has worked in a number of diverse disciplines. For these disciplines that are traditionally known to be often hostile to one another- CIIL has acted as a catalytic force responsible for convergence of different ideas. Such confluences are more evident at the present moment.
In fact, on theborderlines of such largely overlapping fields lie those numerous workers who give birth to new approaches to the study of man and nature. As students standing at crossroads, we soon realize that events would lead us in unearthing the secrets of the mutually engaging forces of language, society and culture.
Job Role : Applications are invited for admission to a ten-month training program in Language Education in any one of the modern Indian languages, at the following seven Regional language centers. The applications should be Teachers/Research Students/Minority language Speakers/Translators or others who are genuinely interested in language studies. The total number of seats available for admission is 506 with quotes reserved for different categories as per the policy of the Government of India.
Southern Regional Language Center Manasagangotri, Mysore-570 006 (ph.0821-2345054) | Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu. |
Eastern Regional Language Center Laxmisagar, Bhubaneshwar-751 006 (ph.0674-2571342) | Bengali, Maithili, Oriya and Santali. |
Northern Regional Language Center Punjabi university Campus, Patila-147 002 (ph.0175-2286730) | Dogri, Kashmiri, Punjabi and Urdu. |
Western Regional Language Center Deccan College Campus, Pune-411 006 (ph.020-26614710) | Gujarati, Konkani, Marathi and Sindhi. |
Urdu Teaching and Research Center Saproon, Solan-173 211 (ph.01792-223424) | Urdu |
Urdu Teaching and Research Center 10-A, Madan Mohan Malaviya Marg, Lucknow-226 001. (ph.0522-2208490) | Urdu |
North Eastern Regional Language Center 3931, Beltola College Road, Beltola, Guwahati-781 028. (ph.0361-2303867) | Assamese, Bodo, Manipuri and Nepali |
Educational Qualification : The applicants should not be trained earlier in any languages in any of the languages in any of the Centers. They should not have any previous knowledge in the language applied for. 80% of the seats are reserved for teachers serving in Government/Government aided/Government recognized High School (6th to 10th) with 3 years of teaching experience. 10% seats are reserved for Speakers of lesser known languages of smaller communities/tribal languages who are at least graduates. 10% Open Seats are for those who are Post Graduates in language or allied subjects with language as one of the major subjects at graduate level.
Pay scale : The selected teachers from Government/ Fully Government aided schools aided schools will be paid their salaries based on the Last Pay Certificate sent by their respective Drawing and Disbursing Officers. All other trainees will be paid a consolidated salary of Rs.5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand Only). per month. In addition all trainees will also be paid a stipend of Rs.800/- (Rupees Eight Hundred only) per month during the training period.
Last Date : 15th April 2012.
Prescribed applications forms and prospectus for admission can be had from the Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006 or from the Principals of Regional Language Centres as listed above by sending a demand draft of Rs.150 in favour of the Director, CIIL, payable at Mysore or in favor of the Principals of the concerned Regional Language Centers payable at respective places or also by cash at CIIL, Mysore/concerned RLC's. For detailsvisit under training admission from where you may download the application form and send it along with the demand draft. Candidates should submit their applications
The Director,
The Director,
Central Institute of Indian Languages,
Mysore-570 006
by 15.04.2012
For any further details please feel free to contact Dr.Kedusto Kapfo, Head, RLCs, CIIL, Mysore Ph.:0821-2345010 or Mr.C.K.Manikantan, Section Incharge, RLCs, CIIL, Mysore Ph.:0821-2345156.
Please feel free to post your queries and get answer
JOB VACANCIES IN CIIL CENTRAL INSTITUTE OF INDIAN LANGUAGES, TRAINING PROGRAM LANGUAGES FOR TEACHERS, RESEARCH STUDENTS, MINORITY, LANGUAGE SPEAKERS, TRANSLATORS LANGUAGES 2012, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu, Bengali, Maithili, Oriya and Santali, Dogri, Kashmiri, Punjabi and Urdu, Gujarati, Konkani, Marathi and Sindhi, Assamese, Bodo, Manipuri and Nepali
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