Monday, 25 June 2012

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Aligarh Muslim University AMU
Country : India.
Closing Date to Apply : 14th August 2012.
Job Posted On 25th June 2012.

Job Role : 

1.Registrar, Aligarh Muslim University

Pay Scale : Rs.37,400-67,000 GP Rs.10,000 plus allowances

Educational Qualification :

(i)A Master's Degree with atleast 55% of the  marks  or its  equivalent  grade of B in the UGC  seven  point scale.

(ii)At least 15 years of experience as Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs.7000 and above or with  8 years service  in the  AGP  of Rs.8000 and above  including   as Associate Professor along with experience in Educational Administraiton.
Comparable experience in Research establishment and/or other institution of higher education.
15  years of administrative experience of which  8  years shall be as Deputy Registrar of an equivalent post.

Experience : The  candidates  are expected to  have  considerable experience in a)Designing  of Agenda and drafting of the minutes of the various University authorities, as the Registrar is  the  Secretary of  University  Court;  Executive  Council and Academic Councils.

b)Handling  legal  matters  as the  Registrar has to represent the University in suits or proceedings  by or  against the  University, sign power of  attorney and verify pleadings:

c)Exercising   close   and   effective    supervision, monitoring and implementation of policy decisions.

d)Candidates are also expected to have knowledge of  modern methods of management and their application in an Institutoin of higher education and research.

Appointment of the Registrar  shall  be made for a tenure of five years which can be  renewed  for similar terms by the Executive Council. Appointment to  the post of Registrar may also be made on deputation.  

2.Medical Officer (Blood Bank), J.N. Medical College Hospital
Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 GP RS. 5400 plus allowances.Educational Qualification :

(ii)P.G. Degree or Diploma in Pathology.
(iii)Three  years experience as Blood Transfusion Officer in a recognised  Hospital or three years experience of  working in Blood Bank of a teaching Hospital.
(ii)Five  years experience as Blood Transfusion Officer in a recognised Hospital/Teaching hospital.

Desirable  : Special training in practice of  Blood  Transfusion from a recognised institution.

3.Assistant  Electrical  Engineer,Department  of  Electricity (Work & Maintenance)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4600  Plus Allowances Educational Qualification : Ordinarily  a degree in Electrical Engineering from a statuary University with five years experience in maintenace of Electrical distribution systems and Internal Installations.
A Diploma in Electrical Enfineering from a recognised Insitution with 10 years  experience  in   mainetance   of   Electrical Distribution systems and Internal Installations.

4.Jr. Technical Officer, J.N. Medical College Hospital  (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4600 plus allowancesEducational Qualification :

1.B.Sc. / B.Com.
2.Five years experience of managing the Medical Store in Teaching Hospital. Thorough knowledge of purchase  procedure, Book  Keeping  and  storage  of  drugs, store and Medical equipments.

5.Nursing Officer, J.N. Medical College Hospital
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS.4600 Plus AllowancesEducational Qualification :

1.Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife.
2.Diploma  in  Nursing  Education and  Administration/B.Sc. (Nursing)/Post Basic Degree in Nursing.
3.Five years experience as Ward Sister.
Desirable  :  Candidate having suitable experience of supervision of Operation  Theatres in a recognised  Hospital/teaching Hospitals would be preferred.

6.Assistant Public Relations Officer (Publications),  Publication Division (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4600 plus allowancesEducational Qualification :

1. Graduate   of  a  statutory  Indian  University  or   an equivalent foreign qualifications.

2. At least five years experience of Public Relations work. Contacts  with Editors and Correspondents of Daily  News papers.

3. Ability to write Effeciency in Urdu/ Hindi/ English.
Desirable  : Certificate or a Diploma in Journalism.

7.  Property Officer,  Property  Department
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4600 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. LL.B. degree
2. Five years experience in dealing with property/  Revenue cases including land records and office administration.

Note: "Over and above the essential qualifications, persons holding  the  Tehsildar/Sr. Inspector/  Inspector  of waqf  working  under  the State Govt.  may  be  given preference  and higher initial Start may be given to              candidates    of   possessing   exceptionally    high qualifications and experience.
Desirable  : A person of service cadre as serving  Tehsildar having knowledge of Urdu will be preferred.

8.  Asstt Matron, J. N. Medical College Hospital (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4600 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife.
2. Diploma  in Nursing Education and  Administration/  B.Sc (Nursing) / Post Basic Degree in Nursing.
3. Experience as a Ward Sister for three years.

9.  Systems Analyst Grade -II, Computer Centre (1)
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP RS. 4200 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Post  B.SC.  Diploma  in  Compuetr  Science  Applications/Bachelor's degree in Computer Science / PGDCA

2. Atleast  three years experience of using packages  like  file Editor,  Word  Processor dBase, Lotus 123 etc.  which  should include  atleast  one  year experience  of  operating  System management   on  multi-programming  time   sharing   Computer Systems.

3. Working knowledge of command language & Programming  language like PASCAL,BASIC,FORTRAN,COBOL
1. Bachelor's Degree preferably science .

2. Atleast  FIVE  years experience of using packages  like file Editor,  Word Processor dBase, Lotus 123 etc. and   operating System management on multi-programming time sharing  Computer System.

3. Working knowledge of command language & Programming  language like PASCAL,BASIC,FORTRAN,COBOL

10.  Jr. Engineer, Building Department (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4200 plus allowances. Educational Qualification :
1. Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognised Institution.

2. Minimum three years experience of maintenance and construction of Buildings and roads after obtaining Diploma.

 11.  Sr Technical  Assistant, Dept of Applied Chemistry (1)
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs 4200 plus allowances Educational Qualification :

B.Sc.Engg with one years experience in the relevant field after obtaining degree.
B.Sc.Engg  with  Three years experience in the relevant field after obtaining degree.
Diploma  in  Engg. with Five years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Diploma.

12.  Sr. Technical Assistant (Plastic Surgery), J.N. Medical  College Hospital(1)
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs 4200 plus allowances Educational Qualification :

1. B.Sc.
2. Diploma   in  Medical Lab  Technology 
3. Two  years experience in the relevant field  after  obtaining Diploma
1. B.Sc.
2. Three years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Degree.
Desirable  :
1. Working  experience in Plastic Surgery  Operation Theatre.
2.  Knowledge of Computer.

 13.  Staff Nurse, Dept of Community Medicine  (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4200 plus allowances.Educational Qualification : Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife OR B.Sc. (Nursing)

NOTE:  Selected Person will have to work at   Rural  Health Training  Centre, Jawan of the Department about 17 Km  from the J.N. Medical College, AMU.

14.  Assistants (Accounts), Central Account Office  (13)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4200 plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Bachelor's degree from a recognised University.

2.Three  years  experience  in the capacity  of  Upper  Division Clerk  (Accounts)  or  equivalent in  a  University/  Academic Institution/Central    Government/State Government/Government undertaking.

3.Knowledge  of  Computer specially MS  OFFICE,EXcel Accounting Packages.

15. Computer Assistant, Academic Staff College ( 1 XI Plan Post)
Pay Scale : Rs. 9300-34800 GP RS. 4200 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Bachelors degree.
2. Diploma in Computer Programming
3.  At  least three years experience of Operation in  Working  in Computer Lab. having networking and using Software Packages  like MS  Office Page Maker, Web Designing, Installation  of  Software, use of Internet.

16.  Case Worker, Dept of Community Medicine
Pay Scale : Rs.9300-34800 GP Rs 4200 plus allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Master degree in Social Work (MSW)
2. Master Degree in Labour and Social Welfare (LSW)
1. Master Degree (Sociology)
2. Three years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Degree & participation in atleast 04 International/National Public Health Surveys

NOTE:  The selected person will have to work and reside at  RHTC Jawan about 15 Kms from AMU Medical College.

 17. Technical Asstt (Food Technology), University Polytechnic (1)
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs 2800 plus allowances Educational Qualification :  B.Sc  with  Chemstry as a subject with two years  experience  of working in as analytical laboratory OR M.Sc (Physics / Chemistry OR  Diploma  in  Chemical  Engineering/Food  Engineering/Mechanical Engineering with at least three years  of  working experience in operation repairs in an educational/research  Institute or repute.

18.  Statistical Assistant, Registrar's Office (1)
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP RS. 2800 plus allowances.
Educational Qualification :

At least Second class Master's degree in Mathematics with Statistics
M.A. /M.Sc. in Statistics
M.A. in Economics with Statistics
M.Com. with Statistics
Desirable  : Certificate  course  in  Computers  from  recognised Institution  or  one  year experience  in  Programming  or  Data Processing.

19.  Stock Verifier, Central Purchase Office (1)          
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2800 plus allowances.Educational Qualification :  Graduate from recognized University or equivalent Qualifications.  Five Years experience of maintenance  of  stock Registers  of  the Departments / Offices  particularly that  of University  carrying  out physical verification of  Stocks   and completion of report thereof and handling of correspondence  independently. 
Desirable  : Post graduate Degree. Knowledge of English typing and experience of purchase.

20.Sr Lab Assistant, A.M.U. City High School (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2400 plus allowancesEducational Qualification : 
1. B.Sc
2. One year experience in the relevant field after obtaining the Degree.
1. Senior Secondary School Certificate / Intermediate (Science)
2.  Six  Years experience in the relevant  field  after  passing Senior Secondary School Certificate / Intermediate (Sci).

 21.Lekhpal, Property Department
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2400  plus allowancesEducational Qualification :

Ten years experience in the field of revenue/consolidation  with knowledge  of  Urdu, Hindi and English with High  School  or  an equivalent certificate.

 22.  Karinda, Property Department.
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2400 plus allowances.Educational Qualification :

1. A Bachelor's Degree from a recognised University.
2. Knowledge of case brief and pleading.
3. Two years practical experience of pairavi of legal cases.
4. Knowledge of Urdu, Hindi and English.
1. A Bachelor's Degree in Law from a recognised University.
2. Having knowledge of Urdu, Hindi and English.
3. Knowledge of case brief and pleading.
4. One year practical experience of Pairavi of legal cases.

 23.  Assistant Draftsman (Civil), University   Polytechnic. (1)
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs 2400 plus allowances Educational Qualification :

Diploma in Engg  in appropriate branch with three years experience in the relevant field (Civil  Engg  Drawing) after obtaining Diploma.
Diploma  in Drafting and Desigining (Civil) from a recognised Institution with three years experiences in the relevant  field after obtaining Diploma.
Two years post Matric Certificate in the Draftsman ship (Civil) with six years experience in the relevant  field  after obtaining Certificate.

 24.  Sr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of Applied Chemistry (2)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2400 plus allowancesEducational Qualification :

B.Sc. with one year experience in the relevant field after obtaining Degree.
Diploma in Engg. with two years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Diploma.
Trade Certificate from I.T.I. with four years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Certificate.
Senior Secondary  School Certificate/Intermediate (Science) with six  years  experience  in  the  relevant  field  after  passing SSSC/Intermediate (Science).

25.  Jr.  Lab.  Assistant, Dept. of Medicine (1)
26.  Jr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of  Pathology   (3)
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP RS 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Senior Secondary School Certificate /Intermediate (Science).
2. One  year experience in the relevant field after passing  Sr. Secondary School Certificate /Intermediate (Science)
1. Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science).
2. Three  years experience in the relevant field  after  passing Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science)

 27.  Jr.  Lab  Assistant, J.N. Medical  College Hospital (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Senior Secondary School Certificate /Intermediate (Science).
2. One  year experience in the relevant field after passing  Sr. Secondary School Certificate /Intermediate (Science)
1. Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science).
2. Three  years experience in the relevant field  after  passing Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science)

 28.  Jr. Lab. Assistant, Dept of  Pharmacology   (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200  GP RS. 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Senior Secondary School Certificate /Intermediate (Science).
2. One  year experience in the relevant field after passing  Sr. Secondary School Certificate /Intermediate (Science)
1. Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science).
2. Three  years experience in the relevant field  after  passing Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science)

 29.  Jr Lab. Assistant, Central Animal  House,J.N.Medical College (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Senior  Secondary School Certificate (Science)/Intermediate (Science) or equivalent Examination.

2. One year experience in the relevant field after obtaining Senior  Secondary School  Certificate  (Science)/Intermediate (Science) or equivalent examination.
1. Secondary School Certificate (Science)/High School (Science) or equivalent Examination.

2. Three years experience in the relevant field after obtaining Secondary School Certificate (Science) /High School (Science) or equivalent examination.

 30.Jr.  Lab. Assistant (Sterelization), J.N.  Medical  College Hospital (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

1. Senior  Secondary School Certificate (Science)/Intermediate (Science) or equivalent.

2. One  year  experience  in the relevant field after  obtaining Senior Secondary School  Certificate  (Science)/Intermediate (Science).
1. Secondary School Certificate (Science)/High School (Science) or equivalent.

2. Three years experience in the  relevant field after obtaining Secondary School Certificate (Science) /High School (Science).

 31.Jr. Lab. Assistants, Dept of Applied Physics (02)
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP RS 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

High School with Trade Certificate from I.T.I.
Senior  Secondary  School  Certificate  (Science)/  Intermediate (Science) with one year experience in the relevant field  after passing SSSC / Intermediate (Science).
Secondary School Certificate (Class Xth) / High School (Science) with three years experience in the relevant field after  passing SSC/ High School (Science).

 32. Jr.  Lab.  Assistant, (Civil)  (Surveying  &  Environment), University Polytechnic (1)
Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 GP RS. 2000 Plus Allowances Educational Qualification :

Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science) with Trade Certificate from I.T.I.
Senior Secondary School Certificate (Science)/Intermediate (Science) with one year  experience  in the relevant field after obtaining Senior Secondary      School Certificate (Science)/Intermediate (Science) or equivalent examination.
Secondary School Certificate (Class X)/High School (Science) with three years  experience  in the relevant  field after obtaining Secondary School Certificate (Class X)  /High School (Science) .

 33.  Carpenter, Building Department (1)
Pay Scale : Rs. 5200-20200 GP RS. 2000 plus allowances.Educational Qualification :

Secondary   School  Certificate  (Class  X)/High   School   with Certificate in Carpenter trade from I.T.I./recognised  Technical Institution.
Secondary  School Certificate (Class X)/High School  with  eight years  experience in the relevant field after passing  Secondary School Certificate/High School.

The  Employment  Form to the above posts may be  downloaded  from  the
following website.

Persons  downloading the Form from the Net are  required  to send a Cash receipt issued by the Cash Section, Finance  Office, AMU,  Aligarh  or Demand draft of Rs. 150/- payable  to  Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh at State Bank of India, AMU Branch,

Aligarh  (code 5555) alongwith the duly filled employment form complete  in all respect. Complete application form procured  in the  above  manner  may either be delivered  personally  at  the Reception  Counter  of  Administrative Block or  sent  by  post, superscribing on the top left of the cover the post applied for, advertisement  number as 2 / 2012 and date as 14.06.2012 ,  
The  Deputy   Registrar,
(Selection  Committee),  
Aligarh  Muslim  University,   
Aligarh-202002, so as to reach him by  14.08.2012


1. Applications received late or without necessary supporting documents, Degree/Certificates/Marksheets and experience  certificate not attested by the  Head of the Department / Institution / Gazetted Officer  or not  accompanied   by full prescribed fee shall be rejected summarily.

2. The eligibility of candidates will be determined as on the last date of submission of employment forms.

Those  who  have  already  applied earlier  against  the advertisement No.2/2008 dated 11.05.2008 for the posts mentioned at  Sr.  Nos. 2, 4 and 5   need not apply again.  They  will  be  considered on the basis of their previous applications if  found eligible.
Are you Interested to Apply to this Job ?
Then It is Essential to you to know at least few Details  about the Organization/Company. Here it is.

Organization Description : The establishment of Mohammedan Anglo Oriental (MAO) College in 1875 marks one of the most important events in the educational and social history of modern India. Its establishment is considered as the first significant response of the Indian Muslims to the challenges of post 1857 era. It was an important catalyst in a process of social change among Muslims. "An epoch in the social progress of India" - with these words on his lips Lord Lytton laid the foundation stone of the Mohammadan Anglo Oriental College on January 8, 1877. Nearly eight years later, when the noted Orientalist Sir Hamilton Gibb looked back at the history of Muslim Transition from the medieval to the modern way of life, he characterized this College as "the first modernist institution in Islam".




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