Tuesday, 19 March 2013

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Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL)
Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) has Released a Notification for the recruitment of JR Job Vacancies with NO Number of Vacancies for the year 2013.

This Advertisement is released at http://www.optcl.co.in/ which is the Official Site of Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL). Eligible candidates should go through the Details given below and Apply by following the instructions.

Country : India.

State/Provision : Odisha.
Dates to Remember
Opening Date to Apply : 15th March 2013. 

Closing Date to Apply : 14th April 2013. 

Last Date for accepting registration slips with required documents by post : 20th April 2013.

Intimation to candidates regarding Downloading  of  admit cards by sms/email latest by 20th May 2013.
Tentative Date of Written Exam : 9th June 2013.
Job Description
Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL), a state owned power utility organization in Odisha has issued notification for the recruitment of 120 Jr. Maintenance & Operator Trainee (JMOT) & Jr. Telecom Technician Trainee (JTTT) posts. Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 14-04-2013.
Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Limited (OPTCL) Recruitment Details 2013 
Job Role : 
1. Jr. Maintenance & Operator Trainee (JMOT): 103 posts
2. Jr. Telecom Technician Trainee (JTTT): 17 posts.
Number of Vacancies : 120.
Educational Qualification
For Jr. Maintenance & Operator Trainee (JMOT) : 
(i)HSC pass from recognized Board or equivalent .
(ii) National Trade Certificate in Electrician Trade from Institution recognized by SCTE&VT/NCVT with minimum 60% marks for General & SEBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates. 

For Jr. Telecom Technician Trainee (JTTT) :
(i)HSC pass from recognized Board or equivalent .
(ii) National Trade Certificate in Electronics Mechanic Trade from Institution recognized by SCTE&VT/NCVT with minimum 60% marks for General & SEBC candidates and 50% for SC/ST candidates.
Age Limit
i. A candidate must be above 18(eighteen) years and below 32 (thirty two) years of age as on 01.03.2013. The Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years in    case of SC, ST,SEBC, Ex-Serviceman and Woman candidates and 10 (ten) years in case of PWD Candidates.

   Provided that a person who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible for only one benefit of upper age relaxation, which shall    be considered most beneficial to him/her.

ii. In case of candidates engaged through outsourcing agency in OPTCL and have completed at least 2(two) years of continuous engagement as on 28.02.2013, the relaxation in upper age limit shall be subject to maximum of 5 years in addition to age relaxation mentioned above. The candidates shall have to furnish the proof of experience along with their application..
Application Fee
Candidates have to pay Rs.200/- as application fee in the form of DD drawn on a scheduled Bank in favor of DDO, Hqrs office, OPTCL, payable at Bhubaneswar. SC/ST candidates from the State of Odisha and the permanent employees of OPTCL are exempted from paying any fees. Candidates have to mention Full Name and Registration Number on the reverse of the Demand Draft.
Selection Process
    The selection process involves written test and interview. Eligible candidates will be called for written test comprising multiple choice questions from General Aptitude and Subject Knowledge. General Aptitude Test will comprise of General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Test. The written test will be conducted at Bhubaneswar.
               There shall be negative marking @0.25 for every wrong answer.
    Shortlisted candidates, who will qualify in the written test, will be called for interview.

    There shall be negative marking @0.25 for every wrong answer.
    Interview: Shortlisted candidates, who will qualify in the written test, will be called for interview.
How to Apply

Candidates satisfying the eligibility conditions have to apply through online registration system of OPTCL.
Online submission of the applications will be allowed on the website between 15.03.2013 , 11 AM  to 14.04.2013, 5 PM. No other means/mode of application shall be accepted.
While applying on-line, candidate should have the following readily available.
  • E-mail ID (which must be valid for at least one year from the date of application)

  • Mobile No (which must be valid for at least one year from the date of application)

  • Non refundable Crossed demand draft of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two hundred ) only as Processing and Examination fees  by means of an A/c Payee Demand Draft drawn on a scheduled Bank in favour of DDO, Hqrs office, OPTCL, payable at Bhubaneswar. SC/ST candidates from the State of  Odisha and the permanent employees of OPTCL are exempted from paying any fees. The Demand Draft once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Please mention your Full Name and Registration Number on the reverse of the Demand Draft. Money Order / Postal Order or any other mode of payment is not acceptable.

  • The DD details (if applicable) and valid e-mail ID are mandatory fields without which applications will not be registered. SC/ST/SEBC candidates need to indicate the Name of Caste Certificate issuing authority and date of issue for authentication purpose. Any false declaration shall lead to cancellation of candidature.

  • A recent (not more than 1 month old) colour passport size photograph of the full face (front view) MUST be pasted neatly in the space provided in the print out  of Online Registration Slip .

STEP 1: Visit our website   http://www.optcl.co.in .
STEP 2: Click on “Advertisement for the post of JMOT/JTTT” to view and understand the complete details before applying .
STEP 3: Click on "Apply Online " to fill up the application form. Note that you must keep your Demand Draft ready with you before applying, as applicable. At first enter your DD details/ Caste Certificate details and date of issue first.
Allocation of centre/venue shall be at the sole discretion of OPTCL, depending upon availability of sufficient number of candidates.
STEP 4: After you fill the Application form, click on “SAVE BUTTON” to proceed to next step.
STEP 5: Ensure that you have choosen the correct stream/post and filled the right information. You shall receive an sms /e-mail with your Application Number and Password. Preserve it for future usage.
STEP 6 : Now take a Print of the registration slip. Please keep note your unique registration / application number and password for future correspondence.
STEP 7: Paste a recent passport size colour photograph on the print out copy of  registration slip, put your signature, attach the DD (Candidates should take special care not to staple the Demand Daft. They should use pins for fastening all documents / demand drafts) and Self-attested copies of the caste certificate/PH certificate/ Experience Certificate (wherever applicable) and send the same by ordinary post at the address given below. Only original registration slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted.

Please send your Registration Slips with DD and other documents by ORDINARY POST so as to reach latest by 20.04. 2013  
 The Advertiser, Post Bag No.99,  
super scribing the Envelope as   “Application for the post of Jr. Maintenance & Operator Trainee (JMOT) OR Application for the post of  Jr. Telecom Technician Trainee (JTTT)” whichever is applicable. 
STEP 8: If your candidature is found eligible you will be intimated by e-mail/sms regarding downloading your call letter for the written test using your Application No and Password as stated in Step-5 above. On receipt of the e-mail / sms you will have to once again login to http://www.optcl.co.in   and click on "DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD" OPTION.

STEP 9: Print the admit card bearing your photograph and carry the ADMIT CARD  to the examination centre on the date and time indicated therein.
 Links to Follow for More Details and to Apply Online


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