Prime Minister’s Scholarship Scheme has been introduced from the Academic year 2006-07. A total number of 4000 scholarships will
be allotted Every Year. To encourage higher technical and professional
education for the dependent wards of Ex-Servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard and
their widows and dependent wards / widows of Ex-Servicemen / Ex-Coast
Guard who died in harness due to causes attributable to military service
/ Coast Guard Service, irrespective of the rank . Further details of PM Scholarship 2013 is mention below-
(b) Dependent wards of ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard and their widows (below officer rank only)
(c) Dependent Wards / widows of Ex-servicemen & Ex-Coast Guard who died in harness due to causes attributable to military service / coast guard service, irrespective of the rank.
Students eligible for the PM Scholarship :(a) Students who have taken admission in 2013 are only eligible for PMSS 2013-14. Students should have scored 60% and above in Minimum Educational Qualification (MEQ) i.e 10+2 / Diploma / Graduation.
(b) Dependent wards of ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard and their widows (below officer rank only)
(c) Dependent Wards / widows of Ex-servicemen & Ex-Coast Guard who died in harness due to causes attributable to military service / coast guard service, irrespective of the rank.
How to Apply For Scholarship :
One candidate to submit only one application form
for one course, if any candidate submit two application for more than
one course, both the applications will be rejected. Forms are to be
downloaded from the website . Application forwarded on
any other format will not be considered.
Eligible Courses for PMSS :
Professional Degree Courses like BE, B Tech, BDS, MBBS, B Ed, BBA, BCA, B Pharma, etc. duly
recognized by the respective Government Regulatory Bodies, such as All
India Council for Technical Education, Medical Council of India, UGC.
(Master Degree Courses are not eligible for PMSS except MBA, MCA).
PM Scholarship for Integrated Courses :
facility under PMSS is restricted for Professional Degree Course only,
such as B Ed but not for BA+B Ed, also for LLB not for BA+LLB. In case
of integrated ME / M Tech / M Pharma initial four years scholarship will be given.
Selection Procedure :
will be short listed based on Ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard category
(as given in para 6) and percentage of marks obtained in minimum entry
qualification (MEQ).
Priority for Grant of PM Scholarship :
Order of preference for allotment of scholarships will be as under :-
Category 1 - Wards/ widows of defence / Coast Guard personnel killed in action.
Category 2 - Wards of Ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard disabled in action and boarded out of service with disability attributable to Military / Coast Guard service.
Category 3 - Wards / widows of defence / Coast Guard personnel who died while in service for causes attributable to Military / Coast Guard service.
Category 4 - Wards / widows of ESM / Ex-Coast Guard personnel disabled in service with disability attributable to Military / Coast Guard service.
Category 5 - Wards of ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard in receipt of gallantry awards.
Category 6 - Wards of ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard (PBOR).
II. Rs. 2250/- per month for girls
Click Here to Download Application Form
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Category 1 - Wards/ widows of defence / Coast Guard personnel killed in action.
Category 2 - Wards of Ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard disabled in action and boarded out of service with disability attributable to Military / Coast Guard service.
Category 3 - Wards / widows of defence / Coast Guard personnel who died while in service for causes attributable to Military / Coast Guard service.
Category 4 - Wards / widows of ESM / Ex-Coast Guard personnel disabled in service with disability attributable to Military / Coast Guard service.
Category 5 - Wards of ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard in receipt of gallantry awards.
Category 6 - Wards of ex-servicemen / Ex-Coast Guard (PBOR).
Amount of Scholarship :I. Rs. 2000/- per month for boys
II. Rs. 2250/- per month for girls
Click Here to Download Application Form
Click Here to Download Information Brochure
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