Job Role :
1. Junior Scale of Jammu and Kashmir Administrative service – 35 posts
2. J&K Accounts Service - 22 posts
3. J&K Police Service – 08 posts
2. J&K Accounts Service - 22 posts
3. J&K Police Service – 08 posts
Opening Date to Apply : 12th March 2012
Closing Date to Apply : 15th May 2012.
Preliminary Examination date : 05.08.2012
Main Examination : 15.02.2013
Main Examination : 15.02.2013
- The Application Form (OMR) is an electronically scanable document and should be handled andfilled in very carefully after reading the instructions attached to the Application Form.
- No certificates/testimonials are required to be attached with the Application Form. Anyfalse information furnished by the Candidate in the OMR Form shall render him/her ineligible besides making him liable for disciplinary proceedings.
- The Application Forms duly filled in should be submitted in the designated branches of J&K Banklisted in para 3 herein below by or before 15.05.2012. No Application Form shall be received in person or by post, by the Commission.
Application Fee : The candidates seeking admission to the Preliminary Examination can obtain the Application Forms along-with copy of SRO 387 dated 01.12.2008 as amended from time to time containing the syllabus for the examination, instructions for filling up of the Application Form, Acknowledgement Card and an Envelope for submitting the Application Forms, from the designated branches of the J&K Bank on cash payment as per following rates:
A) Rupees Eight Hundred only (Rs. 800/- (inclusive of service charges by the Bank) for Open
Merit/General Category Candidates.
A) Rupees Eight Hundred only (Rs. 800/- (inclusive of service charges by the Bank) for Open
Merit/General Category Candidates.
B) Rupees Five hundred and fifty only (Rs. 550/- inclusive of service charges by the Bank) for SC, ST, RBA, ALC, Social Caste (SOC) and Physically Challenged (PHC) category candidates.
How to Apply :
i. Since the Application Form (OMR) is to be electronically scanned, due care should be taken while handling and filling in the Application Form neatly and correctly. (While filling in the Application Form, please refer to detailed instructions given in the instruction sheet supplied with the Application Form).
ii. The candidate should fill in the data/information at relevant spaces of the Acknowledgement Card, along with his Form Number and the name of the examination.
iii. One recently captured passport size photograph of the candidate, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer should be firmly pasted at the space provided in the Application Form.
Instructions :
i. Application form will be obtained from Bank and submitted in Bank of Jammu and Kashmir.
ii. Candidates belonging to Jammu and Kashmir are eligible to apply only
iii. Acknowledgement card must be obtained by candidates
You can find the designated branches of the J&K Bankin Details link below.ii. Candidates belonging to Jammu and Kashmir are eligible to apply only
iii. Acknowledgement card must be obtained by candidates
Do you had any Queries in your mind about this Job then Drop your Query in our Comment Box below and get Answer
do a person with splenectomy(removal of splen)can join police services or is there any medical criteria for police service.
can a person with splenectomy(removal of spelen) join the police service
can a person wirh spelenectomy(removal of splen) join the police service.
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