Wednesday, 18 April 2012

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Application process for UG AWT 2012 is Online only.

  Every candidate will be required to log on to ‘Admissions 2012’ on the institutional websites.
The online application form must be filled and submitted online (mandatory). (Online application form will be available till 14th May 2012)
Instructions for On-line Applicants
Log on and navigate to link “UG 2012 - MBBS/BDS/B.Sc
Nursing/BPT” and follow the instructions given.
After successful registration, your application number will be assigned.  Note this down for any future reference.

i. After filling the On line form, upload your recent photograph (preferably of a minimum size of 295 x356 pixels) in the appropriate space provided and submit.

ii. Take the print-out of your online Application form on an A4 size sheet.

iii. Staple two recent passport size photographs in the appropriate spaces on the printed form and sign in the space provided for ‘signature of the candidate’.

iv. Attach the Demand draft to the form. Application fee may also be paid directly into CMC Account (No.13720200003943) directly through any branch of Federal Bank. Details of Candidates name, Fathers Name and CMC Application number must be given to the bank.  The Transaction ID generated by the bank must be quoted in the space provided in the online application form. The original transaction slip must be attached to the printed application form.

v. Complete Application with enclosures should be sent to The Registrar, Christian Medical College Ludhiana-141008, Punjab, so as to reach on or before the prescribed closing date, 19-05-2012.

Applications received after the due date for any reason including postal delay, shall be rejected. The institution will not be responsible for any delay or loss in transit by postal department, courier agencies etc and proof of posting will not be considered as proof of receipt of the same.
Note: Applications must be sent in the prescribed format for this admission. Applications sent in any other format (Xerox copies) shall be rejected. Failure to sign the application and enclose the Demand Draft/ payment proof will lead to rejection of Application without any further correspondence.

Admit cards will be processed only after receipt of the above at the office of the Registrar, CMC Ludhiana by the last date for submission. Acknowledgement of online submission alone does not indicate acceptance of application and has no bearing on the admission.  Acceptance follows receipt of Application form, enclosures and demand draft/Transaction slip (by post/courier/hand delivery) in the office of the Registrar before the last date of submission and subsequent verification. In the event the application form with enclosures and demand draft does not reach the office of the Registrar before 19th May 2012, the application
stands cancelled. Receipt of Admit Card does not mean that the applicant has met all the eligibility criteria for admission but indicates only eligibility to appear in the examination.
A completed application for the undergraduate program consists of the following:

1. Online submission of application form, as mentioned above.

2. Print out of Online Application Form completely filled and signed.

3. Two passport size photographs stapled in the space provided on the printout of the application form. The candidate should be recognizable by the photograph and any change in face structure due to change in hair style and beard style etc may be a reason for the invigilator to refuse the applicant’s entry into the examination hall. Such case will be the sole responsibility of the candidate.

4. Enclosures For Category B
a) Sponsorship Letter from sponsoring body/church signed by authorized signatory only.
This letter must be received in the Office of the Registrar before 19th May 2012; Church membership certificate; Baptism certificate.
b) An affidavit that the candidate will complete the service commitment as required by the CMC Ludhiana Society (Annexure III : page 71).
c) Domicile Certificate (only candidates applying in Category 3, MBBS need send this along with the application form; for other categories original to be submitted at time of counselling).

5. Application fee : 
a) a bank demand draft for Rs. 3300/- ( Rupees Three Thousand Three Hundred Only, inclusive of Prospectus fee) drawn in favor of “Christian Medical College Ludhiana Society” on any scheduled bank payable at Ludhiana. Please quote name and application number behind the demand draft. OR 
b) the original transaction slip for candidates who have remitted the application fee directly into Federal Bank, A hard copy of the prospectus will be sent to all candidates whose application form along with enclosures and payment is received in the Office of the Registrar before the last date of submission.

Admit card will be generated after verification of enclosures given above. The admit card will be available for print from or on Login using valid user id and password (generated at the time of Registration).

In the event the admit card is not available by 22nd May 2012, candidates are requested to contact the office of the Registrar.

The candidate should not submit any other document / photocopy of any document along with the application form, apart from those mentioned. Original certificates and documents as mentioned above in list of documents needed for scrutiny of certificates must be produced on day of scrutiny and submission of certificates. Failure to produce the original certificates / documents supporting the application (category and course) would qualify for rejection of candidature at time of scrutiny. No change of category can be done after submission of form.
Residence / Domicile Certificate Applicants under All India Christian Minority Category (Category 3): Applicants  shall need to have domicile of  5 years in the state from which domicile is being claimed and to this effect, should submit a recently issued certificate of Residence/Domicile in India, duly certified by competent authority.

Applicants under Punjab Residence Category : As per instructions issued by BFUHS, Faridkot dated 4.7.2001 the Punjab Govt. Notification No.5/1/2001-5HB III/3009 dated 25.5.2001 is to be strictly adhered to while admitting students under Punjab domicile/residence categories. Candidates applying under Punjab Residence/Domicile category must fulfill both the following eligibility conditions:
a) The candidate must be a resident of Punjab State in terms of Punjab Government, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (PPII Branch) letter No.1/3/95-3 pp ii/9619 dated 6th June 1996 and letter No.1/3/95-3pp II/80 1st January 1999(submit a Residence Certificate, as per Annexure I)
b) Should have passed 10+1 and 10+2 examinations as regular candidate from a recognized institution situated in Punjab
Exemption:  The above clause (b) requirement of having passed 10+1 and 10+2 examination as aregular candidate from a recognized institution situated in Punjab shall not be applicable in the following categories:
i) Children, wards and dependents (whose parents are alive) of those regular Punjab  Government employees/Members of all India Service borne on Punjab cadre/boards and Corporations/Statutory Bodies established by or under an Act of the State of Punjab and have been holding the post outside Punjab on or above 1st January of the year of the entrance examination (i.e., on or before 1st January 2012 for the session July 2012.
ii)     Children,  wards  and  dependents  (whose  parents are not alive) of those regular Central
Government employees not covered under other categories of (a) and (b) above who have served for at least two years in Punjab out of 3 years preceding the year of entrance examination.
The three years for admission of 2012 are 2009, 2010 and 2011.
iii) Children, wards and dependents (whose parents are not alive) of those Punjab Government
pensioners settled outside Punjab State before 1st January of the year of entrance examination,
i.e., 1st January 2012.
iv) Children, wards and dependents (whose parents are not alive) of Military/Para-military forces personnel belonging to the State of Punjab as per record at the time of their entry into service (a certificate on prescribed pro-forma by the Commanding Officer of the Unit has to be furnished).
v) Children, wards and dependents (whose parents are not alive) of the ex-employees of military /paramilitary forces personnel belonging to the State of Punjab as per record at the time of their entry into service, who retired on or after 1st January of the year preceding two years of entrance examination, i.e., on or after 1st January 2010 for admission for the year 2012.
Candidates claiming exemption from the above clause (b) are required to submit the relevant certificate from appropriate authority, as applicable (Annexure I)

Note : 1. For those candidates who are repeaters in Para (i) to (v) above, the year of reference for all these clauses shall be the year of passing 10+2 examination by the candidate in place of year of entrance examination.
2.  The dependent certificate in case of those whose parents are not alive shall also to be taken from the Deputy Commissioner of District where the candidate resides.

Start Date to Apply Online : 16th April 2012.

Last Date to Apply Online : 14th May 2012.

Last date to submit application forms : 19th May 2012 till 5:00 PM.

Admit cards available from 21.05.2012
Last date to receive query regarding non-receipt of admit card 24.05.2012 15:00
Admission Written Test 25.05.2012 14:00
Publication of merit list on or before 01.06.2012 17:00
1st Counseling for MBBS 16.07.2012 09:00
Medical examination for MBBS 17.07.2012 07:30
Orientation for MBBS  25.07.2012 to 29.07.2012 08:00

1st Counseling for BDS 17.07.2012 08:00
Medical examination for BDS 18.07.2012 07:30
Orientation for BDS  30.07.2012 to 31.07.2012 08:00

B.Sc. Nursing
1st Counseling for B.Sc. Nursing 18.07.2012 08:00
Medical examination for B.Sc. Nursing 19.07.2012 07:30
Orientation for B.Sc. Nursing  30.07.2012 to31.07.2012 08:00

1st Counseling for BPT 19.07.2012 08:00
Medical examination for BPT 20.07.2012 07:30
Orientation for BPT  30.07.2012 to31.07.2012 08:00

Parents and Admitted candidates will meet with the Administration at 6pm on the date of 1st
,  as per dates for respective courses.
Classes start for MBBS course on 30.07.2012; 08:00am. Classes start for BDS/B.Sc Nursing /BPT courses on 01.08.2012; 08:00am
2nd Counselling for all courses for any vacant seats (if any) 17.08.2012 10:00
 Last date for any admissions 30.09.2012 17:00



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