Wednesday, 14 March 2012

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WWW.CIPET.GOV.IN CIPET FACULTY, TECHNICAL JOB VACANCIES RECRUITMENT DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FORM, APPLY ONLINE CIPET cipet faculty technical job vacancies recruiting in cipet, download application form, apply online central institute of plastics engineering and technology march 2012
Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology (CIPET)

Organization Description :
CIPET is an ISO 9001:2008 QMS, NABL, ISO/IEC 17020 accredited premier national Institution devoted to Academic, Technology Support & Research (ATR) activities for the growth of Plastics & allied industries in the country. CIPET operates on hub & spokes model with 22 locations spread across the length & breadth of the country. CIPET has 15 centres at Ahmedabad, Amritsar, Aurangabad, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Hajipur, Haldia, Jaipur, Imphal, Lucknow, Mysore and Panipat. All the CIPET centres have state of art infrastructural facilities in the areas of Design, CAD/CAM/CAE, Tooling & Mould Manufacturing, Plastics processing, Testing and Quality control to cater to the needs of plastics & allied industries in the country.

Job Introduction :  Persons working under Central/State Government/Public Sector undertakings/Autonomous bodies etc. should submit their application through proper channel or produce N.O.C at the time of attending interview. Advance copies may be submitted.

Job Role, Education Qualification, Pay scale :

Last Date : 26th March 2012

Eligible candidates shall submit their complete C.V containing Post applied for, Name, Date of Birth, Community whether Physically Challenged, Sex, Marital Status, Nationality/Religion, Mother tongue, Father's Name, Postal Address, Permanent Address, Mobile No. Email Address, Details of Education starting from High School with Percentage, Period of Study, Year of Passing, full time/part time/Correspondence course etc. and experience details starting from present job, postal held, pay scale, gross salary drawn, period of employment etc. along with one set of photocopy of testimonials, super scribing the envelope "Application for the post of "........." to the Deputy Director, CIPET, Ahmadabad at the Address Plot No. 630, Phase-IV.G.I.D.C Vatva, Ahmedabad-382445 by speed post/courier so as to reach on or before 26th March 2012. Applications by Email will not be entertained.

Click Here for more Details  is the official website of CIPET Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology . 

Please feel free to post your queries and get answer cipet faculty technical job vacancies recruiting in cipet, download application form, apply online central institute of plastics engineering and technology march 2012



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