Monday, 21 January 2013

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IPUCET 2013 Entrance Exam Notifications have been released by the University and the exam dates and timings have been announced along with the last dates of application form submission. The last date of from submission is 9th April, 2013.

IPUCET 2013 will be organized by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi for admissions in the first year of degree courses in engineering. The university has been recognized by UGC and graded as ‘A’ university by NAAC. The exam date is 19th May, 2013.

Application Form

The IPUCET 2013 Entrance Exam Application Form along with the information brochure can be obtained from the Indian bank Branches listed in the exam notification on all the working days from the third week of January 2013 for Rs.1000/-.

This fee for IPUCET 2013 Application Form is non – refundable.

The IPUCET 2013 Application Form can also be obtained by post. The candidates have to send a request for form to the office of Joint Registrar (Academic), Administrative Block, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector – 16C, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075.

The completely filled application form is to be mailed to the following address by the 9th of April, 2013:

Controller of Examinations,

Administrative Block,

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University,

Sector – 16 C,


New Delhi – 110075.


The IPUCET2013 University Entrance ExamCutoff will be the basis for generating the merit lists and thus short listing the candidates to be called for counselling. Every year depending upon the annual intake, the difficulty level of the exam, the number of candidates participating in the exam and the previous year data a minimum score is decided which is called as cutoff. 

The candidates scoring above IPUCET2013 Cutoff will be eligible for counselling and the ones scoring less than this score will not be eligible.

Eligibility Criteria for Indraprastha University 2013 Entrance Exam:

The IPUCET 2013 Eligibility Criteria will have the following clauses:

  1. The candidate must have passed the Class XII exam or other equivalent exam and must have secured a minimum aggregate of 55% in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. The candidate must have passed in all the subjects separately and must have passed in the subject of English separately in order to be eligible as per IPUCET 2013 Eligibility Criteria.
  2. According to the IPUCET 2013 Eligibility Criteria the candidate must be in a good physical and mental health and free from any defect that could affect his/her studies.
  3. The candidate should not be older than 21 years by the month of October 2013 for as per the requirements of IPUCET 2013 Eligibility Criteria.
  4. The upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years in very exceptional cases only of the merit of the candidate satisfy the Admission Officer.
  5. The candidates of the reserved category will have a relaxation of 5% marks as per the norms of IPUCET 2013 Eligibility Criteria whether any category has reservation of seats or not.

The candidates should go through the information brochure in order to get detailed information about the IPUCET 2013 Eligibility Criteria.

Reservation of Seats

There will be some seats reserved in IGIT, University Schools, Govt. and Self Financing Colleges and other institutions affiliated with the University except minority institution. The details of these seats and the rules that govern the claim to these seats will be covered in IPUCET 2013 Reservation of Seats.

IPUCET 2013 Reservation of Seats will have the following distribution:
For IGIT, Government Institutions and University Schools:

  • 85% seats will be reserved for the students of Delhi Region.
  • 15% seats will be allocated to the candidates who are from regions outside Delhi.
For the institutions located in NCR but outside Delhi:

  • On all India basis the candidates will be granted admissions and the IPUCET 2013 Reservation of Seats will be as follows:

  1. SC: 15%.
  2. ST: 7.5%.
  3. Defence: 5%.
  4. Physically Hanidcapped: 3%.

Self Financing Colleges in Delhi Region will have the following IPUCET 2013 
Reservation of Seats:

  • 85% seats will be reserved for Delhi Students  except the management seats which will have the following reservation criteria:

  1. SC: 17%.
  2. ST: 1%.
  3. Defence category: 5%.
  4. Physically Handicapped: 3%.

  • The 15% seats except the management quota will be filled by the Outside Delhi Students.


The IPUCET 2013 Result will be announced as per the notifications released by the University on its official website. The candidates are thus advised to remain in touch with the website so as to know the latest updates about IPUCET 2013 Result.

The ranking procedure, criteria of ranking, annual intake, cutoff and other result related information about the IPUCET 2013 Entrance Exam will be released on the website. is the Official Site of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.



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