Sunday, 20 January 2013

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COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam notifications have not still been released and the following information is based on last year's prospectus for the students to get an idea about the exam and application process. As soon as the exam notifications are out, the article will be updated.

COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam will be conducted by the Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka. It is a common entrance test for admission in Medical and Engineering Courses.

This test will comprise of two papers:

  1. Physcis and Chemistry (Common to all)
  2. Mathematics (Engg. students)

This test will be conducted for admission in COMEDK member institutions only. The test scores of COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam will be valid only for the year 2013-2014.

The candidates can logon to the official website of COMEDK 2013, to apply online for the exam.

A separate link will be available on the website for assistance in filling the application form. Candidates should go through the instructions carefully before filling the COMEDK 2013 application form. any deviation from the given instructions can lead to the cancellation of candidature.

The candidates should submit a DD in favor of COMEDK (spelling should be correct), payable at Bangalore. The DD should be of Rs. 900/- for the students applying for B.E. only and Rs. 1100/- for the candidates who are applying for both the tests (MBBS/BDS and B.E.) in COMEDK 2013.

The candidates should check that the DD for COMEDK 2013 has been countersigned by the banker.

Before filling the actual ONLINE COMEDK 2013 Application Form, the candidates should go through the sample one.

The online COMEDK 2013 application form should be filled with utmost care as the information once filled will not be changed and if the candidate fills more than one application form, his/her candidature shall be cancelled.

Click on the “Preview” button prior to submission, to be sure that the information filled is correct and no need of correction is there.

As soon as the COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam application form is submitted, a unique application number will be assigned to every candidate. After ensuring that all the details are right, candidates can take the print out of the Online Application Form and Online Date of Birth Certificate/Identity Proof (Candidate copy and COMEDK copy).

Candidates should stick a passport sized photograph of not more than 6 months old. Any COMEDK 2013 Application form with hazy/smudged/tempered photograph will be rejected. Also if the candidates’ photo mismatches, this will call for rejection.

DD exceeding the required value will not be refunded. No refunding of the COMEDK 2013 application money will be made in case of wrong filling of details.

Candidates should send the completely filled COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam application forms via post. Forms sent personally will not be entertained.

Before sending the application forms, the candidates should confirm that they have placed the following documents along with the COMEDK 2013 application forms:

  1. COMEDK 2013Application form complete in all respects with their photo, signature, left forefinger impression and his/her parents/guardian signature.
  2. The print out of ONLINE Identity Proof (COMEDK copy)/Date of Birth Certificate with candidates’ photo, signature and attestation by the Gazetted Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar or the head of the institution where the candidate has studied.
  3. Photocopy of 10th class mark sheet or school leaving certificate showing the candidates’ Date of Birth.
  4. Candidates belonging to the ST/SC and OBC of Karnataka should submit their reservation certificates as well the income details of their parents (OBC) and Minority Certificate (for minority candidates).

The completed COMEDK 2013 Application forms should be sent to the following address by the second week of April 2013 via Speed Post/Courier:

Executive Secretary – COMEDK,
#132, Second Floor, 11th Main, 17th Cross,
Malleswaram, Bangalore-560055,

Candidates can check the status of their COMEDK 2013 Application Form on the main website under Applicant Login by providing Application No. and Date of Birth. In case the candidate does not get his/her application form status on the website, he/she can send their queries to via e-mail.

Candidates are advised to visit the COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam website regularly to watch the RED LIST. This list will comprise the INCOMPLETE Application forms and the candidates whose forms are listed in this category, will be rejected if they don’t resolve the pending issues till the prescribed date.

Candidates of COMEDK 2013 will be issued a Test Admission Ticket (TAT) for identification which they have to bring on COMEDK 2013 exam day. No requests for the change of Test Center will be entertained. These TAT will be sent via Speed Post at address mentioned by the candidate on the application form. The dispatch of COMEDK 2013 TAT will begin by the mid of April 2013.

In case any candidate does not receive the TAT, he/she should visit the official site of COMEDK 2013 or send an e-mail regarding the non-reception.

In case the TAT of COMEDK 2013 Entrance Exam gets lost in post etc, candidates will be issued a duplicate one on the test day.

Candidates are required to bring their passport sized photograph with their Name, Application Number and TAT Number on its backside at the time of COMEDK 2013.

The results will be published in two stages:

  1. Test Score
  2. Final Merit/Rank list Publication

Important Dates :

  1. Start of Online Application Forms filling : 2nd week of March 2013
  2. Last date of receipt of complete Application Forms : 2nd week of April 2013
  3. Last date of Dispatch of COMEDK 2013 TAT : 3rd week of April 2013
  4. Date of COMEDK 2013 Exam : 1st week of May 2013
  5. Publishing of Answer Keys : The evening of test day
  6. Last date of receiving objections to answer key : 2nd week of May 2013
  7. Publishing of Test Scores : last week of May 2013
  8. Last date of Receiving Objections to Test Scores : last week of May 2013
  9. Publishing of Rank List of COMEDK 2013 : 1st week of June 2013
  10. Last date of dispatch of rank cards of COMEDK 2013 : 3rd week of June 2013



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